Call from the!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a quick question as I am concerned and can't contact my DSN because it is too late. But I had a UTI last week and I just had my test re done this afternoon and was waiting for the results tomorrow but my doctor has just called saying my UTI has gone but she found 3+ glucose in my urine so I need to contact a diabetic specialist, but I just did a ketones strip and it was clear....what does all this mean?

Shell 🙂
I am guessing its your Blood Glucose levels - when was the urine test done - it could have just been a high reading that has shown up in the result.🙂Bev
It was done at 430pm this afternoon, which is a worry. But hopefully it was just a high reading.

Shell 🙂
I checked my blood level and it was 9 and I'm just about to have dinner. I dunno it's random, but I think it was just an odd one because I don't know what 3+ means.

Shell 🙂
I don't know what 3+ is either, but I think that your levels need to be above 10 mmol/l in order for the glucose to 'spill over' into the urine. It can vary from person to person though. If your levels are OK now I don't think it should be too much of a worry - maybe the doctor doesn't understand that we often go into double figures!
Yeah I don't really understand it, I don't think she does either because she didn't even know where my DSN is or she's not my proper doctor so I dunno I'll see how I go, I just didn't want to end up in hospital again!

Shell 🙂
Shell, i wouldnt worry too much about this honestly.

dont quote me here, but when i was nursing, we used dip sticks to test for infections etc, (obviously its then sent to the lab to determine type and antibiotics etc)

On the stick you can test urine for protein, glucose, ketones, ph (acidity), blood.

According to colour you match up on the pot, bit like ketostix. Will be something like negative, +1 up to +3.

if a non diabetic tests for glucose you would suspect diabetes, if a diabetic tests for glucose then thats quite normal depending when you ate and bg reading. Being urine it will show what was happening a few hours previous, maybe your lunch?

This is only my opinion obviously speak to a gp who knows a little more, did this gp even know you are diabetic if she was not your usual gp?
As others have suggested it is nothing to worry about. If you can't get hold of the DSN there is no harm in contacting the doctor again, at least it will be for reassurance.
If it makes you feel any better.

Just tested my urine with diastix (fist time ive ever done this :D), 2 hours post breakfast and was +1 glucose, bg reading 9.5

Hope this puts your mind at ease, as im guessing that my bg would have been higher 1 hour ago hence glucose in urine.
Thank you for all your replies 🙂 Yeah I called my DSN in my lunch break at work and she said it's nothing to worry about because if my bloods are still up and down it can show up on the test but I've just gotta get my blood down and I have just got a letter through about the pump so I will meet with the specialists and hopefully it will go well! Just taking it's time.

Shell 🙂
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