Call for Evidence: Help us improve Diabetes Care

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Diabetes UK

Know Diabetes. Fight Diabetes
Staff member
Hello everyone,

This is a call for anyone living with diabetes, who or who has experienced diabetes care as a parent of a child living with diabetes.

If you have some free time, we are looking for help to share your experience of Diabetes Care in order to improve services.

The Diabetes UK Policy Team have been working closely with the All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes.This year the APPG for Diabetes have launched a year long investigation under the theme: Diabetes Care: improving standards and reducing variation.

To support the investigation, we need to hear from people affected by diabetes. The report requires individual submissions of written evidence The more evidence that is collected the better, so if you feel you can spare a little time to write a few words about your experience of Diabetes Care in the UK, you could help to make a difference towards improving experiences for the furture.

Please note that the evidence needs to be submitted as a Word Document or other format readable by Word and should be sent by email, directly to the APPG (see email address below).

*Please do not send any evidence submissions to Diabetes UK*

Here are the guidline of what information needs to be submitted.
People affected by diabetes – Guidance

The deadline for submission of evidence is midnight 31 July 2016 and submissions need to be sent via email to APPG at

Thank for your help!
Please add your voice to this - we can't complain about things if they don't really know what's happening! 🙂 Good and bad - we need to show them that things can be done well and why some don't meet this standard 🙂
Sorry, just to clarify your first sentence - are you looking just for parents of diabetic children, or from anyone with diabetes? I wasn't quite sure...

Ah, never mind, I've just read the link 😳
Sorry, just to clarify your first sentence - are you looking just for parents of diabetic children, or from anyone with diabetes? I wasn't quite sure...

Ah, never mind, I've just read the link 😳

Sorry - bit of a typo there - it is open to anyone who has experience of receiving diabetes care - so people living with diabetes or parent's of children with diabetes - thanks! 🙂
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