calibrating, calibrating, calibrating

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
what is the longest run of finger torture that you have faced whilst using a Dexcom G6?

I am currently on Day 16.

10 days up to the start of a new transmitter and yesterday was calibrating for the 6th continuous day since the start of the new transmitter.

The sensors were from different boxes...
We were told not to calibrate them as it probably makes them more confused. In any case, you shouldn’t calibrate within the first 24 hours because it can take them that long to bed in. My daughter changes hers when she goes to bed, probably not an ideal time but that’s how it’s fallen and she’s happy to keep it that way. Sometimes we find the first night they read low a lot but have usually settled by the morning; if we calibrated them they’d then be reading too high afterwards. I guess we are lucky and find them very accurate most of the time. There was something a bit odd going on last night, with her slowly drifting upwards, then two readings in the low 4s or 3s, then a gap, then back up to 9 and repeat a couple of times. Maybe compression lows, but we ignored it and within the hour it had settled again.
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