Cake? is there any kind of diabetic birthday bake recipe?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, is there anything I can bake for my type 2 mum?
is there a reliable source or book for recipes?
thanks for that Northerner, I've bookmarked the page 🙂
It's your Mum's birthday for goodness sake! A small slice of a cake she really likes is better than a larger piece of compromise cake, unless she really likes it too.
Replace some of the flour with ground almonds as this cuts down the carbs a lot. As @Copepod says it's her birthday a small bit of cake wont hurt 🙂
It's your Mum's birthday for goodness sake! A small slice of a cake she really likes is better than a larger piece of compromise cake, unless she really likes it too.

ooops - my birthday next week - trial run for mum's birthday in September?! 🙂
A small bit....
My mum eats like a bird, so a small bit for her in relation to what she eats....mmmmm! 🙂
You can make a cake with a combination of ground almonds coconut flour to replace standard flour. Use lots of eggs (about 6) to help it rise & keep it moist. There are plenty of low carb cake recipes online, though some do use some hard to get (and expensive) ingredients.
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