caffine and blood suagrs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
does anyone know if tea with caffine can rise blood sugars???
I already posted a thread on this subject last week

There was an article in the magazine 'SWEET', Jan/Feb issue - which suggested there was a link - they suggested you keep caffeine down to
400 ml daily, I has on a hiding to nothing when I can drink 2 x 2litre bottles on diet Coke daily. Since reading it I am trying to limit the intake

I let the consultant at the hospital see the article this morning, but he did not give much creedance to it.

So I am unable to give you a definitive answer, but if would limit the amount to consume

does anyone know if tea with caffine can rise blood sugars???

Hi, caffeine can raise blood sugars because it activates stress hormones (those little b*ggers again!:)). It also helps to break down fat into sugar/energy - it used to be recommended for marathon runners as it helps to break down body fat to help you get through 'the wall', so I've been familiar with that aspect for many years prior to diagnosis. You do need to have a lot though. Tea and cola have similar amounts, about half that of instant coffee, but 'booster' drinks like red bull probably have a lot more (about three times that of tea).

If you're on basal/bolus regime then it is possible to work out how much extra bolus to give yourself to cope with it - trial and error, though!

I can be a bit of a tea addict at times. I don't think it raises my blood sugars by much or if by anything at all. Though if you are partial to sugar in your tea that would raise your blood sugar. If I'm going to have sugar in my tea I tend to give myself a few units depending on how much sugar I'm about to dump into my tea.

Tom H
caffeine can have an effect on blood sugars but as I understand it the impact is pretty negligible unless consumed in very large amounts. As with everything though, everyone reacts differently to different things so if you spot a pattern with caffeine raising blood sugars you can then adapt your regeime accordingly with with more insulin to cover or less caffeine.
I'm pretty lucky in that caffeine doesn't seem to impact on my sugars, very lucky as some days I'm practically swimming in diet coke the amount of it I drink. (not a hot drinks girl so it's diet coke and water all the way!)
I couldn't cope with out my large daily quota of full caffeine Diet Coke!!!!;) On the positive side I have read that large amounts of caffeine can increase the warning signs of a low sugar - and as it is more than 24 years since I collapsed with a hypo that provides an added argument for the amount of Diet Coke that I drink (I also don't like tea or coffee which is why it is much easier to get caffeine intake from Diet Coke). Although I think my students sometimes wish that I would drink less as they find me too lively for them when they come in for a 9am lecture!!
The only thing I saw caffeine do was to increase my blood pressure, cutting my two cups a day down to one had an immediate effect for me.

Blood sugars have never been a problem, but then I consume such a small amount of caffeine through tea or coffee that I wouldn't expect it to be an issue.
Caffeine is a stimulant so must have some effect. Many popular brands now also offer a decffinated version for the same ammount of flavour. I am reasonbly certain you can't taste the difference as I got decaffinated one week for my husband by mistake. I put them into his normal box of teabags and there were no adverse comments. I think he was even calmer while they lasted too.
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