C-Reactive protein and homocysteine tests for heart health markers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Has anyone heard of these tests for heart health markers? they apparently can tell from a blood test how your heart health is, do you just ask the GP for this test or are they reluctant to give you onee? Gillian McKeith does a homocysteine home test kit (see link) but it is expensive. I just wondered if these tests would be useful for us diabetics as one of the worries relating to D is heart disease - any thoughts?

Personally, I wouldn't trust Gillian McKeith to clean my toilet - her 'qualifications' are fictitious* and it sounds like she has just found another way to make money. If you are worried about your heart, there is nothing to lose by asking your doctor to explain the tests and whether he thinks they are beneficial for you.

* http://www.precautionarytales.net/2004_07_25_archive.shtml
I echo Northey i would not trust her with my dog she is a leech always looking for ways to mame more money
Interesting your thoughts on Gillian McKeith, i'll read your article. I remember when i last saw my DN she said that the state of your blood pressure tells them a lot about heart health as i did happen to mention whether there were any other precautionary tests we could have as a diabetic, i suppose if one wanted to you could have all sorts of tests but it would be very expensive. I know my GP even told me not to bother to buy vitamins as the only people who benefit are the companies but i'm afraid i still do buy them 🙂
Hi Carina

I would suggest that it is more important to consider the validity of the test than to worry about who is suggesting it.

Homocysteine is used as a biochemical marker of cardiovascular risk. You can find out more information here:


I think you would have a hard time getting your GP to do the test as it is expensive.

I like this cardiologist's blog on heart health. He sometimes posts about diabetes and diet and heart disease risk factors....


That Gillian McKeith is a real chancer (see Grauniad article), I wouldn't believe a word she says, she used to call herself Dr, but is a PhD not an MD, deliberately misleading people. Plus there all sorts of basic errors that she makes any child would blush over.
But surely this post is about Homocysteine and CRP rather than what we think of Gillian McKeith?
Possibly, but the very fact that she's recommending it makes it highly suspect given her previous performance. Would you take the advice of a so-called professional who doesn't understand the basic nature of chloropyll or DNA?
That Gillian McKeith is a real chancer (see Grauniad article), I wouldn't believe a word she says, she used to call herself Dr, but is a PhD not an MD, deliberately misleading people. Plus there all sorts of basic errors that she makes any child would blush over.

hi there, actually it is generally said PhDs are the only people eligible to call themeselves "Doctor". Your nedical docs usually just have a bachelor's Degree.
The point about Dr. gillian McKeith ( or to give her her full title Gillian Mckeith) is that she bought her qualification for $500 form a fictitious college. Ben Goldacre bought the same qualification as hers for his dog.
The tests she mentions C-Pap and homocysteine are absolutley nailed on as important medical tests, but more in the filed of medical research then home doctoring.
Hehe! I'd prefer Ben's dog to advise me, in that case!😱

Carina, apologies for sidetracking with your thread, I know we haven't really answered your question. I just hate to hear of people like GM exploiting people's fears about their health. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew of a cure for diabetes.
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Hehe! I'd prefer Ben's dog to advise me, in that case!😱

Carina, apologies for sidetracking with your thread, I know we haven't really answered your question. I just hate to hear of people like GM exploiting people's fears about their health. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew of a cure for diabetes.

Hi Northie,
Ask the Dr. Dog any question you like. It's one woof for Yes, two for No.🙂

Elevated CRP is a major indicator of inflammation which in turn is the turnkey for cvd. The treatment for raised CRP is of course Statins. And some ant-Statin warriors claim that reducing CRP is the main benefit of statins. Mainstream medical opinion says its just a welcome side effect of Statins.

Raised homocysteine disrupts the building blocks of arteries etc and collagen. The effect on collagen is thought to increase osteoporesis and bone breaks in older ladies. No method of reducing homocysteine at the moment though. Folic acid ahs been tried with mixed results.
thanks Peter C, i didn't know that about CRP and statins, very interesting. As for sidetracking, Northerner, it actually made me laugh, i never did like Gillian McKeith, she is so up her own a*** 🙂 and very patronising too! that's what i like about this site, lots of good humour out there lol!
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