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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just two days to go and i am now getting quite nervous ,im also worrying that i wont be able to inject my self and what happens if i cant,its clear my oral meds arnt helping,in a week apart from bg of 7.7 they have all been over 12 even up to 20 and thats with adding an other 2mg of glimepiride to make it up to 6mg.
Just two days to go and i am now getting quite nervous ,im also worrying that i wont be able to inject my self and what happens if i cant,its clear my oral meds arnt helping,in a week apart from bg of 7.7 they have all been over 12 even up to 20 and thats with adding an other 2mg of glimepiride to make it up to 6mg.

sounds like a question for steff2010 she recently went on byetta and it seems to be good ...but im sure she'll be on soon x
Hi hun yup am is right im near 3 month into byetta now and it has done wonders for me ive lost weight and my hbA has gone down steadily, I was exactly like you and for the first 2 times i could not do it i had to let my OH to do it for me but in life like many things its mind over matter and now i have no problems ,if you need any help or advice dont hesitate to ask good luck for wednesday x
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Good luck for Wednesday Caroleann. I know you must be nervous- I too was having high levels before starting Byetta - that is why I am on it of course and I too felt that this was the last chance for me so the stress you now feel probably is not helping. I have not had a definitive response from the medics but I am sure that stress can raise levels - if not the stress, the overeating due to the nerves can ;)

Whilst I don't have problems with injections, it is still a daunting prosepct when you have to do it yourself of course. I just took the plunge, literally! If you are really concerned, would it be possible to arrange a late visit to your nurse and eat your evening meal a bit earlier so that you can inject with her there to support you? (ie you inject then need to eat within an hour)

To be honest, I found the setting up of the pen the most daunting thing and in my first week I had the leaflet that comes with the pack next to me so I could make sure I had the thing set right at each stage. Like everything, practise makes perfect!

Remember to inject only on the outside of your thigh if you use your leg and below the belly button line on your tummy. I find the tummy less less painful - more fat I guess and 9/10 times I don't even feel the prick. Sometimes there is a slight "ouch" when you put the needle in or when the byetta flows out once inside. In either event it is not bad enough to put me off. I expect this is the same for people on insulin -we have a it a lot easier with Byetta though as we don't have to calculate the dose!

Let us know how you get on and don't be afraid to ask about anything you are not sure of. xxx
Some DSNs will give you a few needles and a pen so that you can get used to the feel of having a needle inserted into you, and that you can get used to it, that way when you actually get to the injection it doesn't seem a big deal.
Good luck Caroleanne. I am now 3 weeks into Byetta and love it. It has given me my life back. I had very high BG levels rarely much under 10 had put on loads of weight and felt vile most of the time. Now I have lost 5 kg and still loosing, BG levels have come right down, usually somewhere in the 4.5 - 7 range now. Best of all I feel lively and enjoy excercise again. I was scared stiff of the thought of a needle but they are tiny and I rarely feel much. To start with I found the tummy easiest but now I also inject into the flabby bit of the thigh, it's easier and more discreet if you are out anywhere. I'm back to the hospital tomorrow for a check up and also to get the 10 pen (you start off on a 5). I haven't really had any nausea apart from once when I tried to eat too much, you really have to reduce portion size. I hope you love it as much as I do. I think we are really lucky to have this chance. :)
Good luck Caroleanne. I am now 3 weeks into Byetta and love it. It has given me my life back. I had very high BG levels rarely much under 10 had put on loads of weight and felt vile most of the time. Now I have lost 5 kg and still loosing, BG levels have come right down, usually somewhere in the 4.5 - 7 range now. Best of all I feel lively and enjoy excercise again. I was scared stiff of the thought of a needle but they are tiny and I rarely feel much. To start with I found the tummy easiest but now I also inject into the flabby bit of the thigh, it's easier and more discreet if you are out anywhere. I'm back to the hospital tomorrow for a check up and also to get the 10 pen (you start off on a 5). I haven't really had any nausea apart from once when I tried to eat too much, you really have to reduce portion size. I hope you love it as much as I do. I think we are really lucky to have this chance. :)

You wrote the words that were in my brain total same story as mine
You wrote the words that were in my brain total same story as mine

Diabetics are telepathic! :D

Good luck Caroleann! Hope you get the same great results as these other ladies. It's natural to be nervous about injecting, but it very quickly becomes second nature and you'll hardly notice it. :)
Sorry guys its thursday i go not wednesday,think the heat has fried my brain.
Thankyou for your replies as always you have given great advice and put my mind at ease, i have come to the conclusion that if a child can be so brave and do it then so can i,the kids i have read about with D all seem to be brave little stars and they seem to take every thing in their stride.
Sorry guys its thursday i go not wednesday,think the heat has fried my brain.
Thankyou for your replies as always you have given great advice and put my mind at ease, i have come to the conclusion that if a child can be so brave and do it then so can i,the kids i have read about with D all seem to be brave little stars and they seem to take every thing in their stride.

Good luck for Thursday then Carole :D.
Good luck for Thursday, I'll be rooting for you and hope you get the same great feeling as the rest of us. That needle really is nothing - honest, it's so tiny, easy to do and I am so thrilled with the result that I'm always keen to ram the next one in. Don't worry about my use of the word 'ram' lol, it just slides in with little effort or discomfort. I have now injected in - an aeroplane seat, airport chairs, under the table in a restaurant, on a beach, park bench, loo (I decided I don't like that hence all the other places), car seat, on a step, in a garden and nobody takes any notice at all and frankly I don't care. It's very easy to be discreet, I just hitch my skirt up a bit and it takes 6 seconds. I decided as soon as I got this that it was going to work for me and it was going to fit in with my life style.
Thursday it is then......same day as my next check up - hope we both get good vibes;)
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