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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi been talking to someone using byeha and would like some more details/opinions on it please Jan
hi smith yes byetta there are a few who have mentioned it on here and ive been waiting to go on it for ages but at the minute im not going on it until the gp sees if my higher dosage works , but friday wen i go back i aint leaving until i get a yes as the dosage aint working here is some reading for you on byetta
Do you mean Byetta? One of our denizens is maybe going on that soon and I think one has just begun. They should be able to help.
Byetta is a drug called Exenatide. This a drug that is often given as an add-on treatment to your usual diabetic meds (gliclizide and metformin or whatever) to help bring blood sugar levels under control. It's also supposed to aid in weight loss, but it's side effects include nausea, stomach upsets and vomitting and the like. It's an injectable drug, you take it like you would insulin, by subcutaneous injection into the skin around the middle. You would start of on a 5 microgram dose, twice daily with meals (to minimise the side effects), then after a month, if you're still happy and still need to get glucose levels under control, you may step up to 10 micrograms twice daily. It's very popular with our diabetes consultants.
I'm never actually taken the stuff (yet....), i just dispense it, but i hear that the nausea can get pretty bad.
Hi I have been on it since jan this year and so far its done nothing for me. I feel realy sick for about an hour after each injection and there has been little weight loss.
Im at the dia clinic next mon and I will be seeing if I can come off it.

Debbs x
thanks to all that replied to byetta query doesn't sound a whole lot of fun to be on think i'll wait for dr to bring it up

I started on Byetta almost 8 weeks ago - I did post elsewhere under another thread called "Byetta" but will summarise here to save you searching!

I have been diagnosed with Type 2 for about 10 years and on Metformin, max dose of 6x500 per day. Initially I had good control but it all went a bit haywire a couple of years back. I am very overweight-constant struggle with that and with fasting blood glucose levels of 13, an ideal candidate .

I started on the trial dose of 5mcg twice a day for 4 weeks then it was upped to the standard 10mcg and I am about to start on my 3rd pen this week. My sugar levels dropped to around 8 almost immediately and have gradually crept down to below 7 1st thing in the morning and I have achieved 5.6 before dinner for the first time in ages. I am losing weight at about 3lb every 2 weeks which doesn't sound much but my nurse is delighted with this and says I will do better with this slower loss than the usual pattern of "lose it fast and put it on just as quick"! I feel really well right now too:)

Now for the bad news! I guess I am one of the lucky ones not to have a really bad reaction to this drug. From other forums I see that some people feel really bad and come off it, others don't get the results they hoped for and either have other meds adjusted or come off it. My own experience was to feel quite sick during the first week, feeling a bit spaced out and often very tired after lunch. All of these symptoms disappeared to a large extent by week 2. I do sometimes feel a bit sick mid morning - nothing bad enough to stop me doing anything and it usually passes after morning coffee. When I went up to the higher dose, I had similar symptoms as with the lower dose but milder and only for 3 days.

I hope this helps - a frank discussion with your health care team should help as they will know you - don't be afraid to ask about the negatives- forewarned is forearmed as they say! There is a really long thread on the - I hope I won't get into trouble for posting it here, but it will give you good insight into this medication:

Best of luck:)
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