

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi all, i just got back from seeing the dsiabetic specialist and after an extremely long chat, i am to be put on byetta on christmas eve. is anyone out there on it? apparently its a new drug that you inject but its not insulin. 2x daily injections before your main meal and it lowers hba1c and weight! sounds really good to me! i will let you all know how i get on with it, but if anyone has experience of it, please let me know!
has had some really great results for some people. The side effects are generally GI symptoms. If it was me I'd wait until after christmas as I wouldn't wnat to risk feeling sick trying to eat my turkey!
Hope that it works out for you
Good luck with new treatment, I hope it works for you.:)
HI Elaine, I too have started on Byetta. I waited until after xmas. I started on 1st jan. So far so good. I have noticed that I cant finish my main meal off now because I feel full (which never happened before). I havent seen lower sugar results yet but its early days. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are on it.
Debbs x