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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well I finally saw the DNS yesterday and she has prescribed me Byetta. I have always been a bit needle phobic but has just done my injection and was fine. I'm quite excited that at last I will hopefully soon be saying goodbye to the way I have been feelinkg lately when my sugars go down! Just got to get through the sickness and nausa that comes with the byetta!

Would love to hear from anyone else on Byetta!

Hi there - I am a Byetta babe too. There used to be a few of us here but I am afraid I haven't logged in so much recently so don't know if there any of us left! I have been jabbing the stuff into me for over 2 years and it still does the job for me. My Hba1c has remained at 6 and I have lost 2.5 stone. Could do with shifting another 2 stone really and just recently the weight loss has resumed. Good luck with it and just persevere if the going gets tough in the first couple of months. I felt very 'iffy' for about 2 months with nausea and exhaustion but it passed.

Its good to know there are other people out there who I can ask questions and chat to! I've only been on it for 5 days now and have had the odd sick wave come over me but so far so good. I would be sooooooooooooo chuffed if I could lose 2.5 stone even though I could do with losing at least double that! My blood levels seem better already even just after a few days so lets hope it keeps that way. I just need the weight to start going down now then I will be even happier.

Hope to speak to you again soon

Hi Meema. I'll make an effort to log in more often and see how you are doing. Hopefully you'll be fine and it will help you. You do have to remember this drug is not magic and you do need to work with it. Just make the most of not feeling so hungry and sort your diet out. The tip that helped me was to have a smaller plate at meal times and the minute you feel full (for me it's before I feel full) just stop eating. If I go on and finish stuff up when I don't really want it I can feel vile and overstuffed.
Hello again! I went out for afternoon tea yesterday with some friends. We had the usually sandwich cut into quarter with the crusts cut off and a scone and several cups of tea. By the time we came home I felt absolutely stuffed - to the point that I thought I was going to be sick. Can't believe how full I felt considering how little I had eaten! Then for tea last night I had a bowl of soup and felt the same again! No wonder it makes you lose weight if thats how it makes you feel! Not a bad thing though. Just need to re-educate myself on portion sizes!

Be lovely to hear from you as and when you get chance to log in!

Hi, have you had any advice/training on what you should be eating? I found that bread in particular made me feel uncomfortable along with cakes etc. I had a couple of sessions 'training' at the hospital before being let loose with the drug. I was told I would need some carbs with each meal in order to make the drug work. They suggested about 30g per meal which isn't really very much. Have you been given a blood testing kit as that is so useful in helping you to know which foods have the least impact on you? My doc wants all my pre meal readings to be around 5. I usually manage that. Testing after eating is more difficult as Byetta means it takes longer to digest your food and so the peaks can come later. I sometimes test at 2 , 3 and 4 hours just to see what happens with particular foods.
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