byetta week 1 (almost)


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I started taking 5mg of byetta twice a day since last tuesday - this was a pretty huge step for me as i'm not a big needle fan - to be honest so far its been pretty easy. today i screwed up and didnt set the pen properly so i had to pull the needle out, turn the dial more and push it back in a few seconds later :(

so far no side effects or effects on BS.
Simon hi nice t hear from you i was thinking about you the other day(nothing bad) lol.
Listen we all mess up at times so dont be too hard on yourself the times i made mistakes with my injections was terrible, but we learn pleased they has been no side effects, has they been any mention of going to the 10mg ?
Hi Simon, good to hear that there have been no side-effects, and very well done at getting over doing the injections - I'm glad it's not as bad as you feared :)

I don't know, but perhaps it takes a little while before the full benefits in terms of blood sugar reductions become apparent - perhaps our other Byetta-ites can help?

I hope that it really starts to work well for you. You've come a long way since we first heard from you :)
I started taking 5mg of byetta twice a day since last tuesday - this was a pretty huge step for me as i'm not a big needle fan - to be honest so far its been pretty easy. today i screwed up and didnt set the pen properly so i had to pull the needle out, turn the dial more and push it back in a few seconds later :(

so far no side effects or effects on BS.

Hi just to pick up on what Alan said and also what I said to you in PM,things will take a little time, once you have been injecting for 2 weeks max i reckon you will see improvements,Just take it slowly you will reap the rewards .
Steff - the nurse said they would increase it to 10 after a month - right in time for xmas :( hope it doesnt make me feel ill then. I didnt set the dose thing up properly earlier - silly of me but no biggy! :D

Northerner - I'm glad the injections don't hurt that much, i've had a couple of painful ones where i've caught a scar but over all it seems okay. also getting better at doing the finger pricks too :D shaking my hand for a few mins seems to do the trick! :D
Oh snap, though mine started on Thursday last week just.

The first one I took, I waited to eat for about 20 mins and felt SO SICK. Promptly lay down (it was a bit like motion sickness/morning sickness - not that you'll know what that's like lol) and then fell asleep for an hour, and was freezing when I woke up! Weird.

Dreaded the following ones but bashed on with it - I now take it immediately before food.

Barely feel the injections, that part doesn't bother me as such, though obviously I'd rather not do it :rolleyes:

I nearly forgot tonight though, as been running about all day.

Not many side effects since then though which is good, but not a huge difference in BG levels except I have seen a 6.7 once randomly? Still waking levels around 8 :( what are yours like??

I have also to stay on it for a month, but might not go up to 10mcg til after xmas tbh as I don't want to side effects then - I have two little ones and can't be laid up in bed!
Just wanted to say well done Simon. The anticipation is always worse than the reality.

Just takes practice to overcome that block in the mind and go for it.

Keep up the good work.:)

Well done Simon and hope it works for you. I've been taking Byetta since June 2010. Side effects have long gone and although I lost a lot of weight in the first 3 months I'm no longer loosing but not gaining either. Best of all is my Hba1c prior to Byetta it was 10 and then went down to 6. This week my latest one was 6.3 so I'm still happy with it. I have a hossie appointment in a couple of weeks so hope to discuss the once a week Byetta with the doc. I believe the needles are longer but 1 big jab a week instead of 14 little ones might be more convenient.