Byetta....tell me what you know please...


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So a small update - I have had the bloods taken for the GAD antibody test and c-peptide one yesterday but they will take 2-3 weeks for results so I am still a bit in limbo about Type 1/1.5 or 2.

I am still taking the metformin even though I feel poop on it, they are going to ask my GP to prescribe the SR version so fingers crossed that's done by next week for me.

However my BG levels are still too high (sitting between 8.5-11.5 most of the time, mornings are more than my pre-dinner readings etc), and I still feel rubbish - so tired, blurry eyes and my concentration/memory is horrendous (I went back to work this week, not sure it was a good idea!) Does anyone else suffer like this with high glucose?! (the memory/concentration I mean)

Anyway the DSN spoke to the consultant today, he wants to start me on Byetta next week. Obviously I have the chance next week to ask questions etc before it actually starts but they seem to think this is a good option for me while in this limbo period, to help reduce my BG levels so I feel better. She also highlighted that it can help with weight loss which is good (I have around 2 stone to lose ideally, not huge amounts but it does need to go!)

Of course I came off the phone and googled it and being the sceptical person I am, I'm scared. I hate that I have to put drugs into my body to make it work properly, I hate this disease more than I thought it was possible to hate something. :mad: I realise I DO need to get these levels stable, and it is of course what I want to do so I feel better but this seems a relatively new drug, and it worries me on that score alone. :( Also the bits about appetite supressing, I am (was?) a foody and this upsets me a bit :( Will I still enjoy nice food ever again?

Also there seems to be conflicting advice about consuming alcohol with it - can anyone clarify? I only ask because coming into the Xmas party season of course, these things are important to know - I don't want to do damage but I don't want to be miserable or I'd rather not go! Pffft.

Roll on these blood test results, this waiting is horrible.
Also there seems to be conflicting advice about consuming alcohol with it - can anyone clarify?
From peeking in the British National Formulary web site, all anti-diabetic drugs (Metformin, Byetta, etc) carry the same warning about alcohol - that is the hypoglycaemic effect of antidiabetics is enhanced by alcohol.

But drinking in moderation should be fine. I regularly have a glass of wine and very occasionally a few pints of beer with Metformin. I've not generally had any problems.

The issue is that the liver drops everything to process the alcohol and that everything includes the production of glucose (which means you can potentially go low, especially if you are being active).
Does anyone else suffer like this with high glucose?! (the memory/concentration I mean)

Yes - I do.

Next question .....

But according to my GP that's impossible and cannot possibly happen.

It blooming well can happen - and it definitely does.
Yes - I do.

Next question .....

But according to my GP that's impossible and cannot possibly happen.

It blooming well can happen - and it definitely does.

DSN has said to me tonight that it's very normal, as the glucose doesn't get to your brain as normal to fuel it, same as all your other muscles etc. (feeling tired etc)

So tell him/her they're talking nonsense! I have noticed it HUGELY, it's very unsettling.

Thanks Northerner, spent ages skimming that thread! Verdict out a little, I hope I dont feel so sick on it but time will tell I suppose...
Hi Laura,

I can't help much with your questions but wanted to wish you luck with your blood test results. Weirdly I had my blood test for GADs today too (small world). Like youself I just want to know so I can get on and treat it correctly :rolleyes:

Good luck
From peeking in the British National Formulary web site, all anti-diabetic drugs (Metformin, Byetta, etc) carry the same warning about alcohol - that is the hypoglycaemic effect of antidiabetics is enhanced by alcohol.

But drinking in moderation should be fine. I regularly have a glass of wine and very occasionally a few pints of beer with Metformin. I've not generally had any problems.

The issue is that the liver drops everything to process the alcohol and that everything includes the production of glucose (which means you can potentially go low, especially if you are being active).

So not too much dancing? :D

Thank you, you are my new friend tonight for ok'ing it! ;)
Hi Laura,

I can't help much with your questions but wanted to wish you luck with your blood test results. Weirdly I had my blood test for GADs today too (small world). Like youself I just want to know so I can get on and treat it correctly :rolleyes:

Good luck

Hi there & thank you.

Have they said definitely Type 2 for you too based on your antibody test then? Is your "84" at the end of your name indicative of your year of birth...just curious if we are similar ages!
Ignore me, I just realised you said you had your blood taken today - not results!!! See, the concentration IS terrible!!!

Have they said how long your results will take?
Nice guidelines 2009 (don't think its changed)...
- for Type 2 diabetes
-have to have failed on metformin and a sulfonylurea (e.g. Gliclazide) Which might suggest its five or six years down the track for the average T2
- have to have persistent A1cs over 7.5
- have to have a BMI over 35 or over.

So quite unusual for a newbie to get it ( or need it ?).

It might still be on a Black Box warning in the USA because of the association with Pancreatitis (I.e. Its only a couple of years old and the long term effects are unknown - anyone using it is still basically a guinea pig).

Hi Laura,

Yeh the '84' is for the year not my age :D We are a similar age!

I saw my DN last month after my first blood test. She confirmed I had diabetes and most likely type 2 but wanted to discuss my case with the hospital team due to my age and weight. The hospital team recommended I have a further blood test to rule 1.5 out (which I had yesterday). The nurse who took my blood wasn't too sure when I would get the results. I'm booked in for next week but I need to ring the day before to ensure they are in...which is probably doubtful if you've been told 2-3 weeks...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)
Hi Laura,

Yeh the '84' is for the year not my age :D We are a similar age!

I saw my DN last month after my first blood test. She confirmed I had diabetes and most likely type 2 but wanted to discuss my case with the hospital team due to my age and weight. The hospital team recommended I have a further blood test to rule 1.5 out (which I had yesterday). The nurse who took my blood wasn't too sure when I would get the results. I'm booked in for next week but I need to ring the day before to ensure they are in...which is probably doubtful if you've been told 2-3 weeks...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

Yes very similar then! They said my antibody one takes the 2-3weeks but the peptide one is a bit quicker. The antibody one gets sent to a different hospital, not my local one apparently.

Similar situation we are in then....fingers crossed for both of us. What medication are you on just now? Do you have a meter for testing your bloods?
Nice guidelines 2009 (don't think its changed)...
- for Type 2 diabetes
-have to have failed on metformin and a sulfonylurea (e.g. Gliclazide) Which might suggest its five or six years down the track for the average T2
- have to have persistent A1cs over 7.5
- have to have a BMI over 35 or over.

So quite unusual for a newbie to get it ( or need it ?).

It might still be on a Black Box warning in the USA because of the association with Pancreatitis (I.e. Its only a couple of years old and the long term effects are unknown - anyone using it is still basically a guinea pig).


I think because my case is a little different to the norm, and certainly the normal "Type 2". I think my DSN suspects the exact same as me, that my bloods will show I am Type 1.5....

I feel so rubbish right now, and I have 2 little ones age 2 and 5 and a partner who works shifts....if they don't get this under control I could end up back in hospital. MY BG levels are still way too high. Yes the Met has done something, but not enough....

I'm not arguing, upon reading more about it and what the other alternatives are, it doesn't seem quite so bad as other options and anything that makes me feel better I want to try...and it doesn't have the risk of hypos the same as other drugs.

Time shall tell how it works - also if it helps me shift weight faster then win/win....IF it is Type 2, then that alone may help things anyway. I've already lost about 6lbs too.