Byetta or victoza


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been told by my dsn that i can go on either of these along with my humulin M3, which is the better in health and not money, thanks to all your advice and have a great day xx
That's great news! Steff's the expert - she's tried both! :) Victoza is only one injection per day, whereas Byetta is two, but I'll leave it to those who know to let you know how they perform :)
Hi Hart as Northener has already eluded to i have been on both,first I was on byetta which i took too really well, some of the others on the forum that are on it had some nasty side effects which include nausea,but i got nothing ,the trouble with it was that I found initially i lost weight and then after abit it stalled so i mentioned to my dsn that i wanted to try victoza, after abit of a battle and doing alot of homework we both had a meet with my GP and she was eventually persuaded to put me on victoza in april of this year, ive got on really well with it and my weight has continued to go down only bit by bit but it has gone down,the conveinece of the victoza is a good positive point as you choose the time of day you want to take it and thats it then all done.I would say the cost of the victoza is always an issue as its more expensive but if i had to choose betwee the two IMHO it would be the victoza every time, you get started on the low dose of 0.6 then after a week or so you go onto 1.6, i was fie with this to start but then whe i rose to the higher dose i had such terrible nausea so came back down to the low dose and i am now fine.

If you need any help or advice then please feel free to PM me x
Thank you Steff you have been a fantastic help when I get to see my consultant and dsn I will push for victoza, she mentioned it today so I will look forward to trying it out first, thanks again xxx
Thank you Steff you have been a fantastic help when I get to see my consultant and dsn I will push for victoza, she mentioned it today so I will look forward to trying it out first, thanks again xxx

Your more then welcome, dont let anyone fob you off the only reason I went in so heavy handed and did my homework was because I knew my doctor was bothered about the costs.x
Your more then welcome, dont let anyone fob you off the only reason I went in so heavy handed and did my homework was because I knew my doctor was bothered about the costs.x

There's not a huge difference in cost from what I can see on the BNF site - Byetta ?68 for 60 minimum doses, Victoza ?78 for 60 minimum doses. :)
I dont think my gp is very much bothered as long as he does'nt need to get involved he is more than willing to pass you on to someone who will sort you out, money doesnt seem to come into it, so I will push for victoza and hope this will help me get my bg's down as having HIGH results each day is not good enough, many thanks again you are all a great help and fantastic people to get help and advice from, xx