Byetta Injectors

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all. I'm currently suffering really odd side effects from Byetta. I've been on it about 10 months and although it did take a little while to get used to its been fine and my last diabetes review had the lowest figures ever. I've recently experienced a bout of gastric flu and although I didn't inject for a couple of days I went straight back to it when I was feeling better. I am currently suffering from a general nausea feeling the whole time and the thought of most foods makes me even more nauseus. As for the toilet habits I don't wish to gross anyone out but if I just say its either all or nothing I hope you understand !! I have made an appointment with my diabetic consultant but that is Wednesday week and I just wondered if any other fellow injectors had any experience of same or advice. Many thanks
It didn't work for me at all and the nausea just never left, I was feeling sick from day one. And for the plumbing problems, oh boy, all I can say is they were just nasty! If it had made any difference to my BGs it might have been worthwhile, but it didn't. Steff and a few of the other ex Byetta Babes have had issues with it too.

I'm on Victoza now. I find I can tolerate it pretty well. Combined with the insulin it's working and, while I still get days when I feel sick, they are quite rare and very likely due to other meds. Might be worth asking your DSN if you can have that instead.
Alison - thanks for your response. I just find it a bit strange that I had become used to it and was eating normally, injecting and not having any sicky feelings at all (after the first month). I am also getting good results with it but now its either suddenly disagreeing with me altogether or maybe something else is. Sue
Is Byetta the one you start on a lower dose, and work up to the higher one?

Wonder if you should give it a rest then start again?

Hang on, are you on Metformin too?
Yes I am also on Metformin but have been for years. Its the sudden change which is bothering me
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