Byetta(Exanatide) concerns.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hiya everyone. Sorry I've not been around for a long time, although I do keep having a read at what's going on, just not joining in. Me bad! I hope everyone is well and happy.

So, I had my Annual Review at the hospital this morning. Everything ok-ish. HbA1c 6.7, weight maintained, BP 130/63, feet low risk, cholesterol 3.9. Kidney function a bit worse but it does go up and down a bit and has done for the last 40 years.

I saw a different Consultant to the one I normally see, and the first thing she said as I walked in was that there are concerns about the safety of Byetta and it might be getting withdrawn due to concerns over links to Pancreatic Cancer. She made reference to the Dispatches program that I've just read about on here. I've not seen it myself but from what's been said on here it doesn't sound as though it was very good?

Anyway, she's left me on it for now, under the understanding I might have to stop it if it does get banned. We talked about alternatives and she understands my concerns about going on Insulin and possible weight gain. She suggested I should try and lose some weight (Darn it, I never thought of that! Doh!). So, that's where I stand at the moment and was just wondering if anyone else on Byetta or similar has been told of this potential danger and what advice they've been given.

Take care. XXXX
Hello Blythespirit. I did watch the programme, and wondered how I would react if I was taking it. It's difficult to know what to do for the best, especially if it's working. At least you are being made aware of the risks so you can make an informed decision.

For some of us T2s, weight can have a major impact so I understand why your consultant mentioned it. What have you tried? Why do you think it failed to deliver? There are lots of us in the Weight Loss forum at various stages and following different plans, so if you want to have another go at shifting some lbs we can offer some insight into what works (or doesn't) for us.
Hi LeeLee and thanks for your reply. As I hadn't seen the program it was a bit of a bolt from the blue to me, and I must admit that I've come home a bit confused and disappointed. Also as I've not seen that particular consultant before I wasn't sure how to take what she said.

Re the weight loss thing. I've never been really big. I put 2 stones on a while ago in a very short time due to reaction to some meds I was put on. I managed to lose that with a lot of hard work once the meds were stopped, but can't move any more. I don't have a love affair with food anyway, only eating what I have to when I have to. I think this is because I've always been bigger than I want to be. I'm 55 now and have been watching what I eat since I was 16 so probably tried everything going in that time. I have looked at the weight Loss section on here too. The consultant suggested that if I could lose a stone and a half I could cure myself.......hence my concern over her advice. Sigh. XXXX
Hi Faith, nice to hear from you again 🙂 I think that, whilst concerning, the jury is still out and trials are still taking place. This is one of the more up to date articles I have seen, and it does seem that the possibility is being taken seriously, so it sounds like your new consultant is keeping on the ball with the latest findings:

(you need to register, free, to read the article).

Personally, I would probably take the more proven and safer insulin route. You may remember I felt the same about statins and decided the risks weren't worth the benefits for me. These are all powerful drugs and we are complex beings.

I understand your concerns about insulin, but it does not necessarily mean weight gain if managed well. People who best on insulin are those that follow a low GI, medium to low carb diet, so you might have to make some adjustments. Reducing carbs will reduce your insulin requirements, and several of our members in the past have found that, despite the general advice to the contrary, a high fat/protein, very low-carb diet can actually lead to weight loss.
Hmm. Thanks for the link Alan. It looks like I need to do a bit of thinking about this as well as a bit more research into numbers and stuff. Life is never easy is it? Just as you think you've found the wonder drug to sort everything out..... XXXX
Hi Blythspirit,

I was on Byetta for a short period, but it really didn't suit me, so now have been on Insulin for the past two months. I am on Novomix 30 twice a day injections, similar to Byetta. It does take time to get the dose right, but so far I have had no trouble with weight gain and have felt quite a lot better. It is not as bad as you might think and may be worth considering.

All the best.
Thanks for the link Vicsetter. It's good to see both sides of the argument. Interesting that the article mentions regular checks on the patients pancreas as that has not been suggested at any time to me. However it was one of the first things my daughter said this morning when I told her...are they going to check that you haven't already got it Mum?

Hi Highlander and thank you for your experience. Byetta has really suited me so far which is why I would like to stay on it if the fears prove unfounded. I know Insulin isn't the end of the world for us Type 2's though, and I'm glad it's working for you.

Thank you all for your input, it's much appreciated. XXXX
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I was on Byetta for a while but it didn't work at all. I'm on insulin but need a boost because of my weight so they've now put me on Victoza (since January) and it's made a huge difference. If they decide they want you to come off Byetta, and I can't see a real reason for it given the research, perhaps they will consider Victoza instead. Of course, it's also an incretin, so....
Another in the camp of I was on Byetta and it didn't work , Victoza has been my weapon of choice second time round since April.

Ps faith lovely to see you on the board xxxxxxx
Pps I was never warned about any dangers just read bout them myself online
Oh boy. Somebody messed up big style eh?
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