Byetta Boy...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Got my Byetta today, but am starting it tomorrow morning.. I was told the following:

By DSN: Take Byetta 10 mins before you eat
By person at hospital pharmacy: Take Byetta 2 hours before you eat
From Byetta info pack: Take Byetta 1 hour before you eat

Could one of the Byetta Babes let me know which is correct ..
Squidge I take mine 1 hour before I eat which i belive to be correct..

You must join the byetta babes thread x
Squidge I take mine 1 hour before I eat which i belive to be correct..

You must join the byetta babes thread x

Thanks Steffie will go for the hour.. and I will join the babes thread..:D
Thanks Steffie will go for the hour.. and I will join the babes thread..:D

No bother Squidge,look forward to seeing you posting in there.Good luck with your journey on the byetta.
Hey squidge - welcome to the babes!!
I was told for the first month take it 30 mins before you eat and then 45 mins to an hour once you start the higher dose. You absolutely must not wait longer than an hour before eating or the drug will not work. That pharmacist is way out.
In practice I have found it ok to eat any time within the hour once I've had the jab. I eat out a lot and the timing is not always easy so I order, jab and then eat whenever it comes. So far food has always come within the hour and it doesn't seem to make any diffrence to BG levels or the filling effect. I have been told that if you feel nauseus it is better to eat soon after injecting.

I haven't had nausea for ages and then today right out of the blue it was back for 2 hours after breakfast. It's a real pain as I'm on my hols and on Thursday I have a 5 hour drive, much of it over mountains. I'm seriously thinking of skipping the Thursday morning jab so that I'm ok for the drive.
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Hi Squidge and welcome to the Byetta clan- you can still be a babe if you are a man:)

I try to take my jab 30 mins before eating - as I cook most of our meals I can usually work this out as there is always something to do 30 mins before dishing up! I agree it is not advisable to leave it more than an hour before eating as you can get sick as the medication starts to work on an empty tummy. When I have forgotten though I have taken the jab just before eating with no ill effects but I think that could minimize the effect of the medication.

I don't eat out much but the last time was almost a disaster as the service was so slow I had to grab the waitress and warn her that is they didn't feed me within the next 5 mins I was likely to throw up over the floor and that would be in front of the other diners- it worked!

Good luck with the new regime - keep us posted:)
Hi Squide hope your first jab went ok this morning
First jab went ok and I probably ate about 30mins after it.. I do feel a bit odd but I am sure it's just psychological lol .. I suffer from nausea anyway and am on meds for it, but today I felt slightly more nauseous than normal but I am sure I am imagining it... I am beginning to feel like a sieve now as that was 3 jabs this morning lol...
First jab went ok and I probably ate about 30mins after it.. I do feel a bit odd but I am sure it's just psychological lol .. I suffer from nausea anyway and am on meds for it, but today I felt slightly more nauseous than normal but I am sure I am imagining it... I am beginning to feel like a sieve now as that was 3 jabs this morning lol...

Hi Squidge

Only just noticed that you are on insulin as well - that must me a lot to handle. Are the doctors hoping to reduce this if the Byetta works- I know mine think I will always need the Metformin as well as the Byetta.
Hi Squidge

Only just noticed that you are on insulin as well - that must me a lot to handle. Are the doctors hoping to reduce this if the Byetta works- I know mine think I will always need the Metformin as well as the Byetta.

I have no idea thedame, I am supposed to be reducing the novorapid, but there is a query as to how much by. When I saw the dr last month she said reduce it by half, then said oh I didn't know you were carb counting and scribbled something out. When I saw my DSN yesterday she asked what the dr had said as in my notes it just said reduce novorapid. I told her and she said that she will have to speak to her and find out, but she isn't in til next week so to carry on with my normal routine. I have to call her if I get loads of hypos. My reading this morning was 9.3 and my reading before supper was 10.8.

I will always be on Metformin and Levemir and a reduced amount of Novorapid then the Byetta is what I can gather. I am used to injections having been on insulin for 7 years so 2 more jabs a day doesn't really bother me.
First day on Byetta and am having a hypo.. was 10.8 before supper and 2 hrs later am 3.7..
First day on Byetta and am having a hypo.. was 10.8 before supper and 2 hrs later am 3.7..

Sorry to hear that squidge i dont suffer hypos so feel a fool giving advice.Hope tomorrow brings better for you.
First day on Byetta and am having a hypo.. was 10.8 before supper and 2 hrs later am 3.7..

Sounds like the novorapid needs decreasing by quite a bit! Hope it doesn't take too long to find the balance, squidge.
sorry to hear about the hypo squidge. I've never gone below 3.9 and that was only once. Try the old ginger tea trick for your nausea and maybe a ginger bicky. Ginger works wonders for me mind you I can't stop at one biscuit so no longer have them in the house. Hope you manage to get it all balanced.
Hi Squidge

Sounds like you have a lot of balancing to do but you sound like you are up for it so good luck. I have found it a steep learning curve with just the Byetta but fortuntely, the sickness and tiredness went after a couple of weeks and allowed me to start concentrating on getting my carbs etc sorted. I bet there is not a lot of data yet on combining insulin with Byetta - I hope your team listen to you and support trail are our official trail blazer:D
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