Byetta Babes revived!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

There used to be a Byetta Babes thread on here before that seemed quite useful to those on Byetta - but it doesn't seem to have been active much so I thought I would see if we can revive it.

I am due to start Byetta on Wednesday at 5.30pm when I go to see the consultant for the first injection.

Can I ask any fellow Byetta users:

1) I fetch my prescription on Saturday - do I have to then keep it in the fridge until Wednesday?

2) If I am being injected at 5.30 do I need to eat my evening meal before 6.30 - its over an hours drive to my consultant so this worries me.

3) I am being given 8mm needles - will they hurt much?🙂

Thanks all.
1) Yes, you need to keep it in the fridge till you start using it and then change pens every 28 days, if you haven't finished it by then. Order the new one at least a week in advance to give the pharmacy time to get it for you. My repeat prescriptions take two working days to reach the chemist from the surgery which is about 20 feet away.

2) I was told to eat within 30 minutes. Take a sandwich or something with you.

3) They shouldn't do, the needles are almost hair thin and I hardly felt them. Avoid any scars or stretch marks and be sure to change sites each time. I work clockwise round my navel for the Byetta and in a line up and down alternating thighs for the insulin.
Thanks Alison thats brilliant.

Just had a call from the pharmacy to go and fetch my Byetta. The pharmacy are being really good and have reduced the cost of my Byetta and also given me free needles!

I have my appointment Wednesday evening and will take a salad with me to eat within half hour.

Thanks for the advice.

I know with Byetta you have to leave it in the fridge until you open it, but once you have opened it can you still leave in the fridge if you want to?
Was also offered a large frio pouch for ?10 instead of ?18, as spent so much with them.

Not sure if I will need to use it but at least I have it anyway now.🙂
Thanks Alison thats brilliant.

Just had a call from the pharmacy to go and fetch my Byetta. The pharmacy are being really good and have reduced the cost of my Byetta and also given me free needles!

I have my appointment Wednesday evening and will take a salad with me to eat within half hour.

Thanks for the advice.

I know with Byetta you have to leave it in the fridge until you open it, but once you have opened it can you still leave in the fridge if you want to?

Hi Lucy dont think you keep in fridge once in use,i used to keep mine in down stairs loo where it was cool,it would be a good idea to have some carbs as when i took my first byetta jab i had a hypo in the 2s,obviously we all react differently to things but it helps to be aware,great news you got agood deal from your pharmacy.
All the best
Hi Lucy dont think you keep in fridge once in use,i used to keep mine in down stairs loo where it was cool,it would be a good idea to have some carbs as when i took my first byetta jab i had a hypo in the 2s,obviously we all react differently to things but it helps to be aware,great news you got agood deal from your pharmacy.
All the best

Thanks Caroleann - sorry its actually a tomato and pasta salad so some carbs in the salad.

Would it matter if you did keep in fridge though once opened - I am thinking work is very hot and I go in too early to inject and eat beforehand so will need to take it to work with me.

They have offered a desk fridge for me - what do you think?
My office is far too hot - boiling even with fans - but not sure a desk fridge is going too far?

I wouldnt trust putting it in main fridge at work - things walk for a laugh - and its expensive stuff!🙂
Thanks Caroleann - sorry its actually a tomato and pasta salad so some carbs in the salad.

Would it matter if you did keep in fridge though once opened - I am thinking work is very hot and I go in too early to inject and eat beforehand so will need to take it to work with me.

They have offered a desk fridge for me - what do you think?
My office is far too hot - boiling even with fans - but not sure a desk fridge is going too far?

I wouldnt trust putting it in main fridge at work - things walk for a laugh - and its expensive stuff!🙂

You have a frio bag now don't you? 🙂 If it's anything like insulin the main problem tends to be that it can sting a bit when you inject it if it's cold although that's very dependent on the dose - I keep my lantus pen in the fridge because I only need a couple of units every 7-8 weeks and out of the fridge I'd have to throw away a nearly full cartridge after 28 days.

The leaflet with the Byetta should give a viable temperature - you could use the frio to start with and then check the actual office temperature to sss if it is within range 🙂
You have a frio bag now don't you? 🙂 If it's anything like insulin the main problem tends to be that it can sting a bit when you inject it if it's cold although that's very dependent on the dose - I keep my lantus pen in the fridge because I only need a couple of units every 7-8 weeks and out of the fridge I'd have to throw away a nearly full cartridge after 28 days.

The leaflet with the Byetta should give a viable temperature - you could use the frio to start with and then check the actual office temperature to sss if it is within range 🙂

Sorry Alan, not sure how but I missed this post. Yes I suppose I could use the frio bag each day - good suggestion.

I am getting quite nervous now about the injection and its side effects, but also quite excited to see if it helps.

I have quite a hectic weekend booked, does anyone know if the side effects kick in straight away or not? I have read that some of you have had to take to your beds because of nausea and sickness - could that happen before the weekend if first injection is tomorrow evening? 🙂
I have my first Byetta review with the consultant tomorrow.

My first month on Byetta has been good and bad.
From the moment I first injected, my BS have been so improved. I am no longer getting the highs and lows that I was constantly getting before, with the horrid floods and hypos and then the following weight gain.
I have had one hypo this month - which is a great improvement for me - and I think one mini little flood.
I have lost a lot of weight 32lbs now in total🙂 which I do beleive is because the Byetta has practically stopped my floods.
I have a lot more energy and am much less tired.
I did have blurry eyes for the first week or so - but it does seem to be getting better.
My appetitie is more normal, rather than the ravenously hungry all the while.

However there has been a down side - the vomiting!
I seem to be struggling to get to 10mcg - really bad sickness if I do.

So i have dropped back to 5mcg and will discuss with the consultant tomorrow.

I am a little worried about the 5mcg though as dont want the floods/hypos to start again.

Does anyone know if over time, I might find upping to 10mcg a little easier. I am thinking it may have been too soon to start with.

I seem to tolerate 10mcg in the morning, but not in the evening at all. The problem is I have to self fund and cant afford to buy 2 pens - and if i was to inject 10 in the morning and 5 in the evening from a 5mcg pen, the pen wouldn't last a month - what a dilemma.

I hope i am not boring you all with my Byetta woes.🙂

Any advice re going from 5mcg to 10mcg would be good.
Hi I started byetta injections a month ago now but doc said just 5in the morning so now on twice a day after finally seeing diabetic nurse been told I'm probably going to 10 twice daily next month dreading it as finally nausea is easing but looking for advice on keeping it cool when I'm out I need to take it to football away games & worry it will be hot etc Saturday I'm leaving after breakfast but won't be home til midnight worried it will get too hot in my rucksack
Hi I started byetta injections a month ago now but doc said just 5in the morning so now on twice a day after finally seeing diabetic nurse been told I'm probably going to 10 twice daily next month dreading it as finally nausea is easing but looking for advice on keeping it cool when I'm out I need to take it to football away games & worry it will be hot etc Saturday I'm leaving after breakfast but won't be home til midnight worried it will get too hot in my rucksack

I bought a frio case -which is brilliant. You just soak it in water and keeps the injection cool. I think under 25 degrees is okay anyway though without it.

I seem to have increased the dose a lot quicker than you, which could be the reason for the sickness. I seem to be fine on 10 in the morning, but the evening 10 injection causes serious vomiting - not nice at all - and doesn't seem right for long term.

I see the consultant this evening and will report back what he says - in case it helps you.

Strangely I have found that sips of diet coke help the nausea - not sure why!
Saw the consultant last night and on first meeting him he was shocked by how much weight I had lost - but was pleased.😛

He confirmed the sickness shouldn't be happening -and wasn't right.

I am not to inject 10 mcg now as he believes at the moment it is too much for me but am to inject 5 mcg three times a day instead of 2.

Breakfast, dinner and before I go to bed.

I always thought you had to eat after injecting Byetta but apparently not.
The bed time injection I dont eat with.

You learn something new.

I have to go back on statins as cholesterol too high, and also have to keep an eye on my kidneys - need to have them tested again in 8 weeks, nothing to worry about but just being careful as number dropped from 92 to 51?

Good news my vitamin D is benefitting from the 40000 iu I am taking - its back up to 90 now - was as low as 19 before.

All in all a good appointment and I need to see him again in 8 weeks.

If I get any more sickness like I have been getting I am to call him straight away.

Here hoping for a sick free day today.🙂
Sounds like a positive meeting Lucy, I hope the sickness disappears xxx
Sounds like a good appointment Lucy, I hope the new dosing schedule works for you 🙂
Well I've decided my main meal has to be at lunchtime as I feel nauseas in the morning so don't eat much & same at evening meal at this rate should lose the stone I need to lose no probs lol
Sounds worth a try!

I am supposed to be injecting 3 times a day at 5mcg a time, the last one before bed with no food, but I just cant get there - severe vomiting if i inject in the evening. I think I need to stick to 5mcg twice a day for a bit longer!:(

The thing is though the nausea has completely warn off with the 2 x 5mcg, but add in another 5mcg and yuk! I do wish they did 2.5 mcg as I do know I need to increase it!🙂
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