byetta and humulin M3


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello to everyone and hope you are all enjoying this great weather, just a small question can anyone tell me if using humulin M3 and byetta together will help me get my bg's down, I am type 2 and am having great problems with my levels as they are alway still too high, i'm using humulin M3 three times a day, thanks for your help, have a nice day xxx
I used M3 before, its a mixed insulin, cant remember the mix ratio (70/30 maybe) that together with byetta, which helps you use the insulin more effectively will almost definitely bring down your numbers, maybe even a hypo until the right doses are discovered..........

so good news really, but you will need to test often to monitor the effects..........good luck.........:)
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thanks for your great advice but it was me that has asked my dsn for the byetta and she said she was not sure it would work she was going to ask my consultant but has not seen him yet so I have to wait for the answer, I also though it might just help me get my weight down, I am trying to lose weight I have lost nearly 2 stone but i need more help xx
I think byetta encourages insulin production/effectiveness and can help with weight loss, how it works is a mystery to me though, need to look it up one day.................

why would it not work with you.......?
Did you have a reason for asking for Byetta. Victoza is a one a day injection unlike Byetta. Although Byetta is slightly cheaper.
I have not considered vitoria does this work in the same way as byetta, I was looking up information on insulin and byetta was one that came up and was recommended for type 2 diabetics, how does vitoria work and should I ask my dsn about the change. xx
sorry should read victoza, mind playing games with me or its the weather xx
Think they both do the same thing pretty much..........

increase insulin production in response to meals being consumed...

repress glucagon from the liver...

slows digestion.....

which are the three main significant effects this hormone has.....that i read up there....

side effects may be different maybe, your team can decide whats best, but byetta maybe the first to try locally anyway....
I believe Byetta has to be timed to your meals (like one hour before you eat twice a day) and has digestive (polite term) if you mistime it. Victoza is one a day anytime you like. Byetta costs the NHS ?68 for 60 injections (30 days on minimum dose, half that on maximum). Victoza is ?78 for 30 days at the normal dose of 1.2mg, but can be 0.6mg or 1.8mg.

I don't believe either is actually recommended for use with Insulin, however I am on Victoza and Levemir, it's up to your GP/consultant/PCT etc etc etc).
Taking a quick flick through the NICE Guideline (87) it seems that Victoza/Byetta is normally used instead of insulin and when you start insulin you normally stop them.

Instead the guideline recommends Pioglitazone with insulin.