Byetta and carb counting

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Im going on byetta,just waiting for the appointment for them to show me how to do it,but just wondered if and how carb counting works with this treatment.
Hi Caroleann, from the little I know about Byetta, it's a fixed dose, so I don't think carb-counting would come into it as you can't adjust the dose according to what you eat, like insulin, and there would be no ratios to apply at different times of the day. You might find that you have to adjust your diet though so that you achieve steady levels, so paying close attention to the type and quantity of carbs would be benificial.
Yup carb counting is not applicable. But carb management still works in the sense of Jennirfer's Advice, learning the effects of meals on the BG through testing.
The advice I got from my very good and dedicated DSN was to carry on eating carbs as part of a sensible and approved of Weetabix for brekkie and granary type breads. However several months into Byetta treatement I carried out an experiment on the effect of lowering my carb intake (following the Wallycorker way!) - cut out carbs for brekkie and halved lunchtime carbs by substituting Ryvitas for bread - result, levels came down almost immediately:D I am sticking with carbs in the evening as these seem to lower the effect of the dawn phenomenom - it is a case of trial and error and I am waiting on my next HBA1C before considering any addtional changes as I feel good on the balance I have right now and therefore more likely to stay on the straight and narrow if I don't feel deprived!

Once you have settled onto the regime and depending on your levels, there can be no harm in doing a trial yourself - my DSN was proud of me and took on board my comments and observations and is rethinking the standard advice currently given to T2's re carbs - made me feel so good as I am taking over control at last. I really feel that this is a very personal thing though - good support is vital and if you are unfortunate not to get this from your own health care team then you will get it on here of course:D:D
Thanks for the help, i have been experimenting with the carbs a bit, i found i cant even look at w bix my levels just shoot up,shredded wheat i have found to be the best for me.
Imostly eat salad although i have'nt got much of an appitite at the momment the doctor at the hospital told me to take 4 metform aday instead of 2,i did tell him i throw up if i take more then 2 but he still wants me to take them.
I am finding it realy hard waiting for the appointment to come through as i dont know if its going to be a matter of a couple of weeks or months so i feel as if im stuck in a rut.
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