Byetta advice

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been on insulin for 6 years now, but ive lost 5 st , consultant wants me to change to byetta. can anyone advise me on byetta as i have read some bad reports. thanks.
Hi Stute

I can give you a very brief rundown. I'll probably repeat the stuff in Steff's research (hopefully). Byetta's not an insulin, it's a drug that both gets your pancreas to release more insulin and helps your body use it more effectively (i think, i've packed all my notes...grrrr). Are you taking it with your insulin? Or instead of?
You inject it, twice daily, subcutaneously like insulin. You'll probably start off on a 5mcg dose for a month and then step up to 10mcg. It's also supposed to be an aid to wieght loss (but you've lost 5 stone already...i wish i could do that :)). You take it with meals.
The problems are the side effects, the reason you up the dose after a month is to try to minimise them, they tend in cause nausea, bloating and diahorrea, which some people can't tollerate. Saying that some people have no problems at all.
There's also a related, newer drug called Liraglutide/Victoza, a once daily injection, which is similar but has fewer side effects and hypos (they say) and helps reduce blood pressure and improves beta cell function.This info all comes from the company that makes the stuff and is trying to sell it, so your mileage may vary. It's probably not liscenced yet as an add on to insulin though.

Hope that helps

Hi Stute

I can give you a very brief rundown. I'll probably repeat the stuff in Steff's research (hopefully). Byetta's not an insulin, it's a drug that both gets your pancreas to release more insulin and helps your body use it more effectively (i think, i've packed all my notes...grrrr). Are you taking it with your insulin? Or instead of?
You inject it, twice daily, subcutaneously like insulin. You'll probably start off on a 5mcg dose for a month and then step up to 10mcg. It's also supposed to be an aid to wieght loss (but you've lost 5 stone already...i wish i could do that :)). You take it with meals.
The problems are the side effects, the reason you up the dose after a month is to try to minimise them, they tend in cause nausea, bloating and diahorrea, which some people can't tollerate. Saying that some people have no problems at all.
There's also a related, newer drug called Liraglutide/Victoza, a once daily injection, which is similar but has fewer side effects and hypos (they say) and helps reduce blood pressure and improves beta cell function.This info all comes from the company that makes the stuff and is trying to sell it, so your mileage may vary. It's probably not liscenced yet as an add on to insulin though.

Hope that helps


Spot on rachel :):)
Hi Stute

Sorry I haven't caught up with you until today. As Steff said, I am on Byetta and started on 4th Oct 2009, so 5 months down the line soon! Well done on your weight loss- maybe you can share some tips! I assume your doctor wants to get you off insulin and that is why he is offering Byetta? It is often offered alongside meds like Metformin but your team will obviously discuss this with you.

I was diagnosed as T2 about 9 years ago and on 6 x 500 Metformin by last Oct but not controlling my bloods very well- hba1c levels had been around 10 for a couple of years but rose to 13 at the end of last year so it was suggested I try Byetta. I am very overweight and my team felt that any of the other available meds could make me gain weight, so this seemed a sensible option.

How it works: As RachelT said, the Byetta works on the pancreas it's job is to stimulate the pancreas to release insulin as a response to eating meals, thus making it available when the body needs it and as the blood sugars lower, it reduces the release of insulin. This more appropriate use of the body’s insulin gives better control, lessening the highs and lows which can be experienced by diabetes sufferers. The other benefit to the way this drug works is that because if slows down the digestion of the food in the stomach, the appetite is suppressed and thus discourages the user to over eat.

Bloods: My levels dropped really quickly once I started on the Byetta - my first hba1c since starting was 7.2 - not due another for a couple of months but I am testing a few times each week and this week my average has been about 6.5 which I am very pleased with. My DSN says she is happy for me to stay around 7.2 but I hope to shave a few more points off;)

Weight: I lost about 1 1/2 stone quite quickly - this is common for people starting on Byetta, partly due to the sickness and partly because of the way it works- I am losing one to 2 pounds a week without starving myself but am now at a point where I need to make some adjustments to my diet I think - have a meeting with the DSN on Thursday. Weight loss has always been a major problem for me but we wanted to get the bloods right first! I do still feel fuller for longer but I have to watch the old "comfort" eating!

Side effects: Saved the best till last;) Don't be put off by the rumours - it is true that nausea is a very common side effect when starting on Byetta - it is unpleasant but in most cases this passes in a week or two - it may return for a few days when you up the dosage from 5 to 10mcg, which is usually after the first month. However if you do suffer badly with the sickness, you may be kept on the lower dose. The other side effect which I had was overwhelming tiredness - I slept a lot in the first few days, especially after lunch. I don't work but if you do, I would suggest to discuss the possibilty of time off if you experience this. Again this passes in a week or two -well it did with me. There are a few things which can help with the sickness- ginger helped me and cider vinegar in warm water-also took a pack of mints if I went out- sugar free of course!

This will be a doddle for you! You inject twice a day, up to an hour before meals- they suggest breakfast and dinner in the evening as you must leave 6 hours between doses. You can inject just before your meal but I find 30 mins is about right for me. You must eat within an hour of injecting or you could be very sick so just be aware of the time - again, I expect you are used to this sort of regime? You get a pen with 30 days worth of doses which you dispose of 30 days after starting it, even if there is Byetta left in the pen. The unused pens should be kept in the fridge but once started, they should be kept cool but no need to keep it in the fridge. I made the mistake of leaving mine in our lounge and when the heating came on I got tiny bubbles in the pen-moved it to the downstairs loo which is quite chilly and it is very happy in there!

I hope this covers the basics for you but please feel free to ask if there is anything I have missed - I get great support from my team but there is always something you think of after you leave the surgery:) Best of luck if you do go on this and let us know how it goes - pm me at any time:)
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Can someone edit dames post she obviously meant 2009.
i am due to start Byetta just waiting for the nurse to ring me back tomorrow. Looking forward to it.. not the injecting, i hate needles!. I'm hoping it will aid my weight loss as i have read doesn't work for everyone. My sugars are really high at the min lowest being 9.9 this week!!...tablets stopped working i think. Very informative post thank you :)

kelly x
i am due to start Byetta just waiting for the nurse to ring me back tomorrow. Looking forward to it.. not the injecting, i hate needles!. I'm hoping it will aid my weight loss as i have read doesn't work for everyone. My sugars are really high at the min lowest being 9.9 this week!!...tablets stopped working i think. Very informative post thank you :)

kelly x

Hi Kelly good luck with starting on the byetta, could you also do something where after abit on it maybe come and and tell of you experience with it x
Thanks steph.. will do no problem :D. Doesn't seem many on it here, although seems to of been used in america for years.

kelly x
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