Byetta 7 months on

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just had my check up with my DSN.

HBA1C last August was 10.8 which prompted them to put me on Byetta
Went on Byetta in Oct 2009 and Jan level down to 7.1 - nurse really pleased and said it was unlikey to come down any more given my history, age, weight etc. Today's result 6.2 :D Nursey couldn't believe it - she said she had to double check she had the right person!

I am convinced I managed to drop it down by reducing carbs - she had to agree it may have helped. Now off to celebrate with a huge doughnut - joking of course;)
That is fantastic news it gives me so much good feeling inside to see how much this byetta seems to be doing to us whom are on it, your hbA is brill well done to you Lesley for all the hard work you have done.
That's wonderful news! Well done - I'm sure Byetta is only half the story, your own efforts have played a great part, and thank you for coming here an sharing the stories of your successes, it gives hope to a lot of people! :)
Well done that it great :) Byetta will not usually drop an A1c more than 1.5% so it's clear that you have done alot of hard work too.
Just want to say well done im realy pleased you are doing so well:).
Thanks guys- interesting what you say about the 1.5% Sofaraway - that may be why my DSN told me I wouldn't get below 7 in January ....maybe I should now try for another 0.5% ;) Got to be something in the carb issue even if the medics still don't believe it!
Fantastic news well done. I love hearing the stories of folk who are further along with Byetta. Interesting about the 1.5% drop. My hba1c was 10.5 and most of my daily BG readings were over 10. Now after 3 weeks I rarely get a reading over 7 and in fact 5's are becoming the norm so I can only assume that if this carries on when I have my next test in September it will be more than 1.5% down. I have severly reduced my carb intake so of course this must have made a difference but without the Byetta reducing my appetite, reducing carbs would have been almost impossible.
I have severly reduced my carb intake so of course this must have made a difference but without the Byetta reducing my appetite, reducing carbs would have been almost impossible.

That's a very timely reminder Lizzie - it does take a lot of willpower to stick to a regime - I fell off my wagon (with a whole packet of cakes) only last week after a really stressful time dealing with idiots on the other end of phones. It is very hard to climb back on again when you have fallen from grace - I see living proof of that every time I look in the mirror. But as you say, the effect of the Byetta does at least help to reduce the appetite so you get to the limit of your binging a lot earlier, therefor less damage!

I think it is important to bear in mind when happily sharing our triumphs that we all fail at some stage, stumble around, feel guilty and worthless and that we can't get things right. I wouldn't want readers to think we are all really virtuous - that can put off some people who are struggling!

That is why we need good advice and patient*** testing to find the drugs and the diet which works best for us , then a bit of good old fashioned support from people who know how it goes, like in here, to keep us at it.

** I mean by that having patience and also for the patient to self test;)

Thanks for all the pats on the back guys- it does really help to keep one forcussed:D
Fantastic reduction, well done :D
I think it is important to bear in mind when happily sharing our triumphs that we all fail at some stage, stumble around, feel guilty and worthless and that we can't get things right. I wouldn't want readers to think we are all really virtuous - that can put off some people who are struggling!

Very true and I spent 4 years burying my head in the sand and being off the waggon most of the time, I wasn't even trying much to climb on if I am truthful. I really wish I'd had the willpower to behave myself and get to grips with the situation before it got to the Byetta stage. I'm fully prepared to face the fact that at some stage Byetta may not work for me. For me at the moment it makes will power not so necessary as I just cannot eat to the extent I did before and thankfully I don't fancy all the carby stuff or I'm sure I'd be stuffing in as much as I could. I know that could change so I have decided to make the most of it and take the opportunity to cling firmly to that waggon for as long as I can.
I wish I had known about this forum when Byetta was first suggested to me last year. I hesitated for several months as the only reports I could find were a little negative and i was scared stiff of the whole idea of injections. Had I seen a few of these optomistic posts I would have gone ahead much sooner.
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Oh i wholeheartedly agree with you im sure we have/will all have our bad days with byetta, like you say Lizzie if my old doc had not held back for nearly 2 months id of been on it alot sooner myself it was only when i got the backing of my DSN and found a new doctor that i went onto the byetta as they both saw it as the most logical step forward for me and guess what they were spot on i've never felt better but thats not to say sometimes i really dont want to inject.
Oh yes Steph I feel the same. I do look at that needle sometimes and think Oh **** but I'm better at just not thinking about it now. Organising it all and having the right foods and doing the right shopping is all a bit of a hassle. However it's the best chance I've had and I'm going to remain optomistic and do everything I can to make it work. For me the benefits outweigh the negatives big time. I'm sorry if that comes over as a bit overly bouncy but for anyone who has been thinking about taking it I would want to tell them that it's actually not as scarey as they might think. Of course it's not for everyone and I'm full of admiration for those who can be in control of their carbs without this help. My doc told me she has over 200 patients on it and over the last 2 years very few of them have given up due to inability to tolerate side effects or because it didn't work for them. For the moment it has taken some of the worry of diabetes away from me and enabled me to be optomistic for a change and that is such a huge relief.
Oh yes Steph I feel the same. I do look at that needle sometimes and think Oh **** but I'm better at just not thinking about it now. Organising it all and having the right foods and doing the right shopping is all a bit of a hassle. However it's the best chance I've had and I'm going to remain optomistic and do everything I can to make it work. For me the benefits outweigh the negatives big time. I'm sorry if that comes over as a bit overly bouncy but for anyone who has been thinking about taking it I would want to tell them that it's actually not as scarey as they might think. Of course it's not for everyone and I'm full of admiration for those who can be in control of their carbs without this help. My doc told me she has over 200 patients on it and over the last 2 years very few of them have given up due to inability to tolerate side effects or because it didn't work for them. For the moment it has taken some of the worry of diabetes away from me and enabled me to be optomistic for a change and that is such a huge relief.

Not overly bouncy at all hun, i agree it is my best chance and tbh i had no secong thoughts i looked into it when it was first mentioned that was 2 month before i actually went on it and the benifits for me were what swayed me, like with everything they is down sides but i will take them if and when it happens.
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