But your HbA1c is good...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Argh! I've got a lot of serious complications from a very difficult time with an eating disorder in my 20's and 30's. I can't undo any of the damage sadly but I've tried so hard to do everything I can to be as ok as I can ongoing. Things still go wrong with fractures, retina problems etc despite my results.

I find it a exasperating when in clincis for my complications - sight loss, Charcot foot, random foot and ankle fractures etc to be told "but your HbA1c is good" as if I can't possibly be able to manage my diabetes well with all the tech that's around now and still have complications. They were from a different time, pre internet, pre pump, pre cgm when I really struggled. However hard I try to manage my diabetes I can't regenerate my retinas or regenerate my ankle joint or put the displaced and collapsed bones in my feet back into place. That disbelief that I can somehow achieve good results but still have complications annoys me somewhat!

Just a rant really 🙂
Rant away @Flower. You are indeed managing well but I can understand why the comments will be really irritating. Take care
Yes, please do rant if it helps @Flower I don’t think anyone can really understand it if they don’t actually have diabetes, even HCPs. Sometimes they act like it’s all very simple - do this, get that result; having problems, do X and that will solve it (no, it sometimes won’t!!); this=that and nothing ever goes wrong or contradicts their simplistic equations.
I'd make a point of asking the 'but' person if they'd have said those words if you were a child? Quickest way to demotivate any kid - instead of saying Well Flower bearing in mind all the problems we both know you've got and have to live with alongside your T1D I'm delighted to be the one here to tell you that your latest HbA1c test result is good at X - so well done you! they chose the sort of words well known to many many folk possessing a. a brain and b. a family, dampen a person's enthusiasm.

Need a refresher course in People Skills if you ask me. Come on whoever you are - for starters greet the person by name and be genuinely interested in them!
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