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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I may lose my job and other stressful stuff is happening in my life at the moment. I seem to have stopped writing down my blood test results and am taking fewer tests too. I have lost motivation to deal with my diabetes. I know why I should be doing these things - I just can't motivate myself to do them. I am really frustrated as I was doing so well after DAFNE and now I seem to have gone back to bad habits again.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how did you motivate yourself?
hi lizzie

I too always have a problem with writing down my readings which is so frustrating as I know I'm much better controlled when I do. I found it so useful when doing dafne that they put our readings up on an ohp, knowing someone was going to read it somehow made me 'behave myself'. A couple of months ago I told my housemates and colleagues to start doing spot checks on my diary to make sure I'm filling it in. If I haven't I have to buy them chocolate, sounds bizarre but it really works for me! Maybe something to try if you think it'd help? Or if there's no one you want to have checking you're welcome to buddy up with me, I'll send you my readings and you can send yours back?!?!?!?
I keep mine on an excel spreadsheet at work (and get called a geek for it!) but doesnt seem like so much of a chore when im sat at the desk anyway!
I use a "Home Monitoring Diary", given out free from clinic. Produced by novo nordisk.
If your clinic doesn't have any try website www.changingdiabetes.co.uk then click on download centre on the top tabs, the the diary is then the top item. You can then print off,
or contact Novo Nordisk Limited, Broadfield Park, Brighton Road, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 9RT. Sorry no phone number
I permanently have this problem!

If you set the time on your glucose monitor to the correct time and make sure you have one which can hold a lot of results you can just have a look on it to see what results you've had at certain times of the day. That may help...
Hi Lizzie
I use a Lifescan Ultra2 monitor and on request they provided free of charge the software drivers and appropriate cable.
I download my readings and any other data and using a 10" netbook I can take all results to the clinic and the data reports can be viewed in various modes.
If you haven't a net/notebook pc you can print off any data, graphs or piecharts they may require.
I update about every three or four days.
Hi Lizzie
I use a Lifescan Ultra2 monitor and on request they provided free of charge the software drivers and appropriate cable.
I download my readings and any other data and using a 10" netbook I can take all results to the clinic and the data reports can be viewed in various modes.
If you haven't a net/notebook pc you can print off any data, graphs or piecharts they may require.
I update about every three or four days.

it goes to show how different things work for different people. I have this meter and the software but I just didn't get on with it. I'm much happier just with my paper dafne diary and a pen! Can really see though how the electronic version would be great though, guess it all boils down to what is always said on here, that what works great for one may not work for others...
I use a "Home Monitoring Diary", given out free from clinic. Produced by novo nordisk.
If your clinic doesn't have any try website www.changingdiabetes.co.uk then click on download centre on the top tabs, the the diary is then the top item. You can then print off,
or contact Novo Nordisk Limited, Broadfield Park, Brighton Road, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 9RT. Sorry no phone number

I use one of these and last November I ordered a free one sent by post through the website. Now, when I went to look, I could only find the 'download' option, which is annoying as I'd prefer a 'proper' one rather than one I have to print and put together myself. OK, I know it's free, but I do use their products!
Hi Northerner. This is another thing that is supposed to be blagged from your diabetes nurse 😉
You do need to test but it does'nt have to take over your life. there is life before diabetes. you can get leads to hook your tester to your computer and print off all the last lot of test. ring the company who provided your meter to send you the stuff you need. it will save one job of writing the results down, i go to the clinic every few months and just take the printed sheets with me. if you have a family it is hard to fit diabets round eveyone else.
I have real difficulty recording results, can only do it for a few weeks at a time before I can't do it anymore. I'm not recording at the moment or looking for patterns. I'm in a more relaxed period of control, i'm still testing my blood sugar at least 4 times a day, carb counting. but i'm not correcting much, only testing when I really need to and not getting upset if I go over 10.
Remind yourself of the side effects of badly controlled diabetes!! That's always a kick in the butt for me to get testing again. Personally I only record readings if things are being a bit weird or I wish to monitor something in particular. I am never asked for them at Diabetes check up appts - they just go on HbA1C results and occasionally look at my meter - but that just may be because I have had it so long!
As an observation only, why do hospital appointment letters say "bring your blood glucose records" (or similar wording), then never ask to see them? I've given up writing my results down, as I can remember and no-one else is interested!

Burnout! Argh! The horror! The Terror! It’s a real bast@rd eh?

As I've mentioned in many of my posts… I am struggling! Motivation; if you ask me (which you haven't) is the most important part of diabetes care.

My motivation lack of motivation leads to bad control… which has made me feel bad enough that I havent wanted to deal with my diabetes at all and go into denial about everything. I have entirely stopped testing for months on end or other times barely taking my insulin (just enough to not die)… this inevitably ends me in hospitalisation… which does give me motivation again… man, that week after almost killing myself through neglect, I am superb, but the motivation is fake, and so, short lived… the pattern continues.

Things I have tried.
Just setting goals, and being really determined not to not do anything. This does not work, no matter how much I tell myself I will go blind otherwise.

My doctor setting me testing targets, and checking up on them. This really did work for a while; as I didn’t want to let him down and be so publicly failing to take care of myself (and I didn’t want to get in trouble). After a few months I stopped caring so much and started lying.

Setting myself goals for the week (so many tests, so many injections) and treating myself to a comic book I really want if I met them. That first week was the best testing and injecting I had done in years. However, like other positive/negative behavioural reinforcements, after the first week it pretty much became aware that I can ignore these self-emposed treats/punishments; I can buy comics whenever I like.

I hadn't recorded my test results in years. So I got a OneTouch UltraSmart which has internal logbook, which is super useful, and it also records stuff like food/carb intake, insulin taken, excersice, sickness, etc etc. This is a great machine, however it does take the motivation to actually to do the tests (and record any other date you want), in the first place.

When I went months without testing, to get back into it, I was told to test with the machine upside down, to get back into the habbit of doing the tests, without having the demotivator of unhealthy results. Once I had been doing that for a while, I was then to start looking at them, but not to react to them at all and not to be bothered by them, treat them as meaningless. And so on and so forth untill I was back to doing tests like a sensible person.

When my control was good:
I have to credit my ex-bf with this one. He was really supportive and therefore my control was great.

I think this was down to two things. Firstly, the support made me feel like I wasn’t dealing with the diabetes alone, it took away some of the burden and responsibility. It stopped life being so much of a battle between diabetes and normal life.

Secondly, what I was doing was in check. As he was he was being so supportive, it was only right that I did my part and took care of myself. If I didn’t do stuff then I would be really letting someone else down, and I didn’t want to do that! That was a real motivator.
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Or if there's no one you want to have checking you're welcome to buddy up with me, I'll send you my readings and you can send yours back?!?!?!?

I think this is a frigging brilliant idea. Maybe you should start a thread for people that would like to do this, and people could PM each other to to start it up?
As an observation only, why do hospital appointment letters say "bring your blood glucose records" (or similar wording), then never ask to see them? I've given up writing my results down, as I can remember and no-one else is interested!

Mine does look through mine, not closely but flick through a couple of weeks worth to get a general idea. So before a clinic appointment is a time when i do write down results.

I find it a hard question to answer when people ask me how my levels are,it's easier to show them.
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