Burning sensation


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been having burning sensation in my feet and legs. And I’m afraid. My GP has prescribed medication over the weekend but I’m yet to collect from the pharmacy. I have been diabetic for 12 years but my blood sugar level has been more controlled of recent at Hba1c of 47.
Sorry to hear @Ronnie99, that sounds unpleasant for you. What is it that scares you the most? Do you know the name of your medication your GP has prescribed?
Have you been able to read through the patient information leaflet to understand how they work and possible side effects?
I have checked for the side effects on the net. Not so pleasant. These were what I saw on the net: Serotonin syndrome, Severe skin reaction, Increased risk of bleeding, Increased blood pressure and Sexual dysfunction
Important to remember they list every side effect people reported during clinical trials. It doesn't mean you'll experience any of these necessarily.

There are other tablets available too, so if these are not working for you, it might be worth asking your GP for something else. Unfortunately the only way to find out if they work for you is to take them. Do you think you might?
I'm thinking of giving it a try. It is just that I would have preferred using less number of medications.
I hear you. Might also be worth asking if capsaicin cream is available. Last I heard there was a shortage, but if there's a cream to help, rather than a another tablet, it's worth an ask.
Very much agree with @Anna DUK. I have sensory disturbances of unknown origin and have run the gamut of pills which might help. Trial and error seems to be the only way you will find out if anything works and is the only way in which you will find out if anything does not suit you.

For me, the chance to get some relief far outweighs the tiny, tiny risk of some 'orrible side effect. You might get some short term problems - duloxetine amongst others did not suit me and had no effect on the sensory problems - but stopping the pills stopped the side effects.

My thought is to go forward with the pills, see if they work and stop taking them if they make you feel that things are not right.

PS...don't want to put you off but if you find anything that works, let us know. I'm still looking.......
Hi There,

I'm still on the look for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Anyone that has idea should let me know please.
Thank you