Budget recipe ideas for remission

Anna DUK

Online Community Team Leader
Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Trying for, or maintaining remission through various dietary approaches can be expensive.

What recipes or advice can you share for eating on a budget, specifically when trying or maintaining remission?
I buy large packs of meat, freeze in single meal portions, or get ready frozen, whichever is best value as I have a huge freezer. I fill it in alternate months to get a 10% off coupon at Lidl.
If that is not an option then shopping for eggs, cheese, cheaper types of frozen or tinned fish, cheap cuts of meat, higher fat mince is a good option if cooked the day before and left to cool in stock the fat can be lifted off to use for frying. I clean the fat by melting it in hot water a couple of times and then it can be stored in the fridge in airtight jars.
I buy large packs of meat, freeze in single meal portions, or get ready frozen, whichever is best value as I have a huge freezer. I fill it in alternate months to get a 10% off coupon at Lidl.
If that is not an option then shopping for eggs, cheese, cheaper types of frozen or tinned fish, cheap cuts of meat, higher fat mince is a good option if cooked the day before and left to cool in stock the fat can be lifted off to use for frying. I clean the fat by melting it in hot water a couple of times and then it can be stored in the fridge in airtight jars.
Wow, that's actually a really clever way to use the fat from food and use it for frying. Thanks for sharing!
I agree with @Drummer, batch cooking is really cost effective and you can also "portion" control your meals before freezing. I love her idea of storing the fat, I may have to give that a go!
My grandmother (mother's mother) was a housekeeper and her mother a house maid, so I inherited a lot of quite old fashioned cooking methods.
I use a pressure cooker quite a bit these days.
I slice and cook a swede so it is soft enough to mash - only 10 minutes or so at high pressure, then left to cool gradually. Enough for two dinners and breakfast as bubble and squeak for one or two days.
Trying for, or maintaining remission through various dietary approaches can be expensive.
Is this true in general? At the supermarket you can buy 100g of canned sardines or cheddar cheese for the same price as 100g of crisps.
Is this true in general? At the supermarket you can buy 100g of canned sardines or cheddar cheese for the same price as 100g of crisps.
I guess it depends on where people shop. Generally, I know I've had experiences of spending more on healthier foods, like fruit and veg, and ingredients when cooking from scratch. Would be interesting to hear others' experiences.
I think nutritionists now agree the basis of any nutritious diet is adequate protein together with plenty of vegetables. Data shows people who focus on protein, healthy fat and vegetables feel full sooner and eat less than others.

My basics, from Aldi and Tesco, are chicken, canned fish, eggs (from my wife's hens), cheese, cottage cheese, butter, plain and Greek style yogurt, a lot of onions and cabbage, celery, peppers, carrots, swede, squash, beetroot, canned tomatoes and passata, canned/dried beans, oats, barley, together with olive oil (used sparingly) and, from time to time, courgettes and aubergines. None of these are very expensive. My wife is a bit more extravagant!

Dr David Unwin asked his patients about costs. They told him any increase in the cost of a healthy diet was offset by savings on junk food, sweets and drinks.
i batch cook on a weekend to feed me through the week ,the ingredients in total only work out at around £10.50 that's for 5 meals ill also do homemade veg casseroles very cheap to make , and homemade chilli no rice i make around 5 tubs worth its cheap and easy to make .Getting plenty of protein and fibre is key so plenty of veg or salad added to meals is relatively cheap compared to buying processed stuff ready made with all the hidden ingredients . my basics are very similar to the post above so can relate to this list and not expensive .
breakfast scrambled eggs on a bit of whole meal toast add a few herbs to this and maybe a cooked tomato and some mushrooms probably only works out at a few quid and has to be more healthy than just a bowl of cereal which has loads of sugars in .