Bubbles are driving me loopy

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles 😡 i think that im bubble free then will sit there and check and find more bubbles do you think it could have something to do with where you have pump on body or another idea ive had is that maybe i sleep on the tube during the night ........... Ive seen the degasing video on you tube so will give that a go but just seem to be wasting so much insulin re priming when i find a bubble to get it out of tube :(
Hiya! I've been on the pump about 6 wks and had this problem... there are a few possible reasons;

1. not sure which pump you have, but mine has a 'luer lock' where the tubing joins the adaptor to the pump - you are told to tighten it up "hand tight" but evidently my hand tight is a bit wimpy - I got loads of bubbles (insulin mousse!) until I took nursey's advice & ignored the manual & used the battery lock (which has a notch for undoing the luer lock) to tweak it tight.

2. Do you bring the insulin out of the fridge for a few hours before drawing up a new reservoir? Apparently this, and drawing up the dose slowly can help reduce the amount of bubbles.

Hope that helps!! 🙂
I do the degassing and rarely have a bubble issue, do get occasional ones dont think anything to do with wearing or tubing etc,

adrienne will be on and she will definately tell you its technique, you will get used to it
hiya i think we have all had probs with the bubble issue...my advice is
before you even draw up the air to put in the vial of insulin pull the plunger in and out a couple of times it helps for some reason..must smooth out the inside of the cartridge or something
when you prime the tubing dont just flick the pump and cartridge..also flick the plastic bit at the end of the tubing that attaches to the pump( little bubbles like to hide in there during the priming process) then come out later when they join together and make a huge bubble!

also i find towards the end of the cartrighe i get loads of bubbles...when it gets to that point i just do a set change as re priming at that point would be pointless...i always get loads at that point and they just appear from no where

dont stress about them though it just comes with having a pump...i almoast get dissapointed now when i dont get one lol
It does help to talk to people who having using a pump , Twitchy, you made me laugh insulin mousse that will be its new name now lol , Bex you are so right every time i look in the end of that tube there are loads of the little bubbles just waiting to run along the tube , Tracey definately going to give the degassing ago next time . Also thanks for tip about leaving insulin out of fridge its does seem to help 🙂
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