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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Im newly diagnosed as a type 1 and am having to inject myself 4 times a day. Im a teacher so I inject myself in my stomach while im in work and in my legs when im at home as I was told to vary where I do it.
However I have recently been getting massive bruises on the outside of my thighs and alhtough its not painful it is very unsightly they are huge bruises and are very dark as well. Sometimes they appear if I have bled a little when I have done my injection and sometimes they appear when nothing has happened. I have had a few bruises on my stomach but they are usuually very small and light and dissapear after a day or so where as the leg bruises are there for days.
I was just wondering if it is happeneing because of something im doing or is this just a regular occurence when injecting. Obviously I could live with it but its just not pleasant to look at!!
hi tiffany,

i've been type one for 19 years and worked out the other day i've done over 19,000 injections - and sometimes i still bruise! i think it's just because you hit a small blood vessel. i only ever bruise on my thighs and my arms though, my stomach doesn't seem to bruise. my thighs seem to bruise a lot actually now i think about it, i'm always finding them!

so i don't think it's something you're doing - just sticking metal into yourself 🙂
Hi Tiffany I have only been injecting 3 weeks but i also have had 2 ghastly looking bruises on my tummy, i have not tryed my thigh yet but the same may occur, my Oh said i might be holding the flab on my tummy to tight and it may cause the bruising to be worse, so i have been trying to losen my grip so to speak and the last 3 days i have no bruises appear x
when you pinch up to get the needle in, don't let it go too early - i.e. as you're taking the needle out. That causes horrific bruisning. Also, don't be too hard with the injections (I'm awful at doing that), as again, bruising. Sometimes they do happen though, especially if you hit a small vein
Hi Tiffany, I get bruises more if I inject in my thighs. I also used to get more bruising in my stomach, but this has subsided now and I hardly every bruise. Have you tried injecting in your hips? That might be easier and cause less bruising as you are less likely to bleed or hit muscle. From my experience, the bruising does decrease in time.
Hi Tiffany, i have been injecting for just under 3 months now and i know what you mean about the bruises on your thighs as i cant seem to avoid them either! and yes sometimes they do bleed, though i dont tend to bruise on my stomach, just get little red spots now and then.

Its not that your doing it wrong its just one of them things that is hard to avoid unfortunately.



Tiffany, what size needles do you use? You may find a shorter one is better if the one's you currently use are quiet long.
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