Brown Patches

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi i'm diabetic type 2, i have whole body neuropathy and resently i have got 4 brown patches on my left foot (arround the heel)iwent straight to the drs last week and he sent me straight to hospital (on my birthday...not good) at first the doctors where very concerned and tryed finding blood suply with a dopler machine and couldnt so they said i needed to be seen by the vascular doctor in the morning, needless to say i didnt sleep well with worry. The following morning the vascular doc came and saw me did a short examination and said your fine go home!!!!!! ent me straight to hospital (on my birthday...not good) at first the doctors where very concerned and tryed finding blood suply with a dopler machine and couldnt so they said i needed to be seen by the vascular doctor in the morning, needless to say i didnt sleep well with worry. The following morning the vascular doc came and saw me did a short examination and said your fine go home!!!!!! I still have no idea what as caused these spots and they are not getting better or worse each spot is the size of a penny, i think they maybe bed sores but these patches arent open just very dark brown.....anyone got any ideas
No bright ideas, but hope you are better soon. If you're still worried, keep pestering the doctor, but it sounds as thoe you had a lot of checks and tests done already.

How old are you? My dad who is 80 developed brown patches. When he got the checked out, he was told they are due to age and nothing to worry about, but I have no other bright ideas.
hi carol

Hi carol thanks for your reply, its really worrying me, i only just turned 40 last week, so i hope its not old But if anything changes i'm not gonna wait that doc will get sick of seeing me because being in hospital last week really scared me.
Hi Gabby, being in hospital is scarey for a lot of people. It helps to talk and ask questions.

If you have to go in again, ask about the tests, tell the doctor you are scared, ask for help. We all fear the unknown. When we are ill and don't know what is happening, it makes the fear feel worse.

These days most hospitals have a consellor or someone you can talk to who will give re assurance and find things out for you.

Diabetes is a whole ball game on its own, and things like glucose levels (if they are too hih or too low) affect how you feel too. Keep a diary and note the highs and lows, ad how you feel. Keep a note of what you eat a sit will show you what triggers the highs.

Then if things are still bad, you have a whole load of information to present to your doctor and it will help provide some answers.

You are right to take strange symptoms seriously, and to get help, but worrying too much can also make you feel worse. Always get re assurance or advice instead of worrying!
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