Bronchitis Numbers Game

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I is sick, again and feeling very sorry for myself! I have bronchitis it seems and I'm coughing fit to bust a button. Head hurts, shoulders hurt, by dose is totawy bugged up and I'm locked into the iron corset* as well, miserable. Every time I cough, I feel as if my head will explode. No anti-bs, but I do have a nice collection of expectorants and suppresants to add to all the other meds - they taste horrid. My numbers are through the roof, double figures all day despite increasing my insulins. In fact, the surgery were sufficiently concerned that the duty doctor came to see me instead of making me drag myself off my death bed to go there. He brought me one of those steamy things you fill with hot water and Olbas oil, it has a mask I can stick my phiz in without spilling stuff. I can't even smell the oil.

* feels like you're wearing an iron corset cos there's no give when you try to breathe.
Oh , sorry to hear you are not well! Hope you are better soon!
That sounds really nasty Alison. I hope you start to feel much better soon 🙂
Aye, Alison hope you improve quickly. A pick-me-up is available in the Banting.

Mike x
Oh dear Alison, you really have been through the mill recently.

Please look after yourself xx
Hope the inhalation works for you. Are you thinking hot toddy? Take care
Hope the inhalation works for you. Are you thinking hot toddy? Take care
Had one without the whisky, can't handle alcohol any more. And a hot chocolate, and a hot spiced apple juice.
Had one without the whisky, can't handle alcohol any more. And a hot chocolate, and a hot spiced apple juice.
Sounds lovely. I don't do toddies either, but could do a drink with coffee chaser
What a horrible time you are having! Apparently there are a lot of awful things around at the moment. Hope you feel better soon. Do take care and rest as much as you can. Sending you a healing hug {} 🙂
Yuk, hope it eases soon. Those olbas inhalers are great for unstuffing the snozbox, I'm a big fan. Now tuck yourself up and watch a trashy film, it won't do anything for the chest or snozbox but it's good for the soul 🙂
Yuk, hope it eases soon. Those olbas inhalers are great for unstuffing the snozbox, I'm a big fan. Now tuck yourself up and watch a trashy film, it won't do anything for the chest or snozbox but it's good for the soul 🙂
Cheers, I'm going for sex on legs with a classic Bond movie. I reckon it ought to raise my temperature enough to break the fever.
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Go for it girl.
Cheers, I'm going for sex on legs with a classic Bond movie. I reckon it ought to raise my temperature enough to break the fever.
A woman after my own heart ...throb :D
Bronchitis yuk, I hope you start to feel better soon
Thank you everyone. I'm off to bed now, got my DVD, flask of hot chocolate, my hot water bottle, teddy and blanky, steamy thing and various potions. I should survive till morning.
So sorry to here this, Alison. Keep your strength up and hopefully you'll fight this soon!((hugs))
How are you today Alison? Feeling human yet? medications kicking in? Do let us know🙂
Not quite human, but definitely a bit better. The temp is back to normal, but I'm coughing like mad and my head is banging.
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