Broke my pump: Help?

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You should have been advised to have the pump insured - if it fails due to a manufacturing fault then they will replace it under warranty, but if it breaks due to something you’ve done, or if you lose it etc, then you have to pay. Even if you didn’t pay for it in the first place, why should the clinic buy you an extra one?
I know you didn’t mean to drop it but that’s how it is unfortunately, sorry :(
Hi and welcome

Sorry to hear that your pump has broken. Unfortunately I believe one of the contractual conditions of getting a pump through the NHS is that you insure it and I think most people do that through their household insurance. I am not a pump user myself so I may be wrong about that, but it was one of the negatives I considered when looking at pumps therapy. I guess you may be back to MDI for the next year until you are due a new pump, when you will obviously need to investigate the insurance issue more closely.
Yes we do ours on the house insurance, it has to be a named item because it’s so expensive and not the sort of thing that everyone has. I don’t think it made the policy any more expensive. If you buy a specialist insurance policy just for the pump then that’s a few pounds a month.
Sorry to read about your pump fault @hatyehin
Like @Sally71 I was advised to insure my pump and have done so on my home insurance.

It may be worth checking if your home insurance covers it although mine requires expensive items to be named.
Fingers crossed your diabetes team are able to assist.
Own is covered by house insurance at no extra cost, currently with Aviva. Was told by pump nurse to make sure it was insured 10 year ago when starting on insulin pump.
Sorry to hear about your pump woes. :(

My pump is also covered by my house insurance, but my current provider don’t need it to be named as a specific item. Do you have home and contents insurance? It would be worth checking your policy to see what the conditions are around single valuable items.
I had to sign a contract absolving the NHS from insuring it, hence it was added to our household insurance and is still on there, because their limit at the time was £500 otherwise (and we have a few other things valued at more than that too) so I was told to insure it for £3,000, and the clinic have never told me to increase that, so I haven't.
Unfortunately for you, I'm afraid the pump is only replaced due to malfunction not dropping it or any other accidental incident.
This is stated quite clearly in most user manuals and you should have been told to insure it by your team as well.
Insuring on household ins is quite simple to do and very inexpensive compared to paying out for a new pump out of pocket.

As you have been on a pump almost 8 years you must be due a new pump soon anyway, so you might have to MDI until then, or if very lucky your clinic may bring your new pump forward a bit.
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