Brittle Diabetes?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone,
I wonder if any of you have heard of Brittle Diabetes? I have been diagnosed Type 1 for almost 4 years & still haven't managed to stabilize myself! I am waiting for a Daphne course but have been told it will be 12/18 months! While speaking to a Diabetic Nurse (not mine) she said she wondered if I maybe Brittle Diabetic! I swing from very high to having loads of Hypos & it doesn't matter how hard I try I can't control it!
Yesterday I had a normal sunday meal & when I went to bed I was a little high (14.0) had my nightime Insulin & woke up at 2pm feeling ruff, then again at 4pm, this time I took my Blood reading & I was 24.8. I then woke up at 6.45 & was 24.2 I had 2 x toast & small amount of marmalade & 1 coffee & had 14 units of Novorapid & by 9.15 I was 3.0. I then had a snack (apple & cup of coffee) & by 10.30 was down to 2.6 so had to eat again (coffee & 2 digestives)
Its now12.25 & I am down to 2.6 again! I am just not in control at all & just wonder if this maybe Brittle Diabetes!
What do you think?
Debs x
Well Debs, you're certainly very different to me! What slow-acting insulin are you on? Maybe it's something to do with the rate at which your liver puts out glucose, and maybe something to do with glucagon i.e. your pancreas alpha cells as well as your beta cells? There are others here who have big swings too, perhaps they can share and pool information on what their doctors have said? Hope you can find a balance soon.
I have heard of the term before and as I understand it there is some debate surrounding it as a term, and causes. I think it's generally refers to someone who has has unpredictable and fluctuating blood sugars and a lot of the time this can eventually be linked to some other condition such as Addisons disease or gastroparesis which when understood could lessen the 'brittle' symptoms.
I guess the best thing to do is speak with your care team about any potential conditions that can commonly sit alongside diabetes and ask to be tested for them if relevant. If you're not getting the levels you think you should be then keep going back, asking for help to get them under control etc...
I think the use of the term 'brittle' can sometimes be used as a reason for poorly controlled diabetes and soemtimes the real reason isn't found.

You say that you are waiting for a DAFNE course are you carb counting at all? there is online resources and a diatician could teach you the basics in the meantime

Did you treat those hypos with fast acting carbs before the biscuits and apple? those wouldn't be fast enough on their own.

I hope things improve your bound to feel rubbish with those ups and downs.
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