Brits miss out on billions at retirement

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Britons are missing out on billions at retirement by failing to shop around for the right annuity.

Instead of exercising the open-market option, most savers are choosing to simply accept the annuity income offered by their pension company.

What's more, people with medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes are particularly losing out as they are accepting an annuity income based on their being in perfect health, rather than a potentially higher income reflecting a reduced life expectancy.

Personally, I think I may live longer than I otherwise would have done because I'm a lot more inclined to look after myself! 🙂
Yes Alan, but the Life Companies don't know that!!!! They haven't caught on yet and I got a really really good deal on my 'Impaired Life Annuity' because they haven't !

I call it my 'Enhanced Life Annuity' LOL
my hubby and I have no pension ...if i had taken up the offer i was given when i first started working in 1989 i would be quids out by now ...😱
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