British girls can expect shorter lives than continental cousins

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When it comes to female life expectancy, the UK is only equal 19th on the list, found the WHO. It lags behind all the major western European nations and others including Greece and Slovenia.
Whereas a Spanish girl born between 2006 and 2010 can expect to live to 85 - they will be the longest lived in Europe according to the forecasts - those in Britain will die almost two-and-a-half years sooner.
Other major countries where female life expectancy exceeds Britain include France, at 84.8 years, Italy at 84.5, and Germany at 83.1.
Lifestyle is thought to account for some of the difference between countries in western Europe, such as the Mediterranean diet, which is now well established as being linked with lower death rates from heart disease.
British women are among the fattest in western Europe, according to recent European Commission research. Between the ages of 18 and 24, almost one woman in four in Britain is so fat their health is suffering.
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