Britain's heaviest woman dies!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I was really annoyed when I read this. The NHS put in considerable time, effort and money to try and help this woman. And then her relatives undermine this by bringing her in mountains of junk food. Surey these people should be subject to prosecution - after all if they had supplied her with copious amounts of alcohol or drugs that lead to her death they would be!
Such a shame that those who should be caring for her would undermine her chances of survival. I encountered something similar when I was in hospital - there was a 30st man in the ward, type 2 diabetic, whose daughter would bring in huge quantities of junk food - burgers and chips etc every lunchtime and night to supplement the already large hospital meals he was consuming. He was in for ulcers on his legs that wouldn't heal, yet he did his levles no favours by eating pounds of grapes every evening. Can't really blame his daughter, she was only young and didn't understand what effect it might be having on him - she thought she was stopping him from starving!
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