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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

Just got back from the DUK family support weekend and i wanted to tell you all - IT WAS BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!

If you havent been to one yet then i would recommend them completely!

Alex made friends and swopped contact details - we made friends and swopped details- and my 17 year Hannah is now going to volunteer on the weekends!

We all now have a much greater understanding of every aspect of diabetes - and Alex said to me that he actually realised over the weekend that he feels 'normal' again! BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT!!!!!!!:D

The volunteers on these things are so lovely and go out of their way to help/advise and i cannot praise them enough. So dont just 'think' about going to one - make the effort and i promise you - you will NOT regret it!:D Bev
im really glad it was such a positive experience for you both :D:D:D:D
Bev, great that you had such a fantastic time, and that Alex feels so much better for it! Yayyyy!!!!:D:D:D
Thanks Northerner, have you been to one yet? If not i think you would like it - its not about doom and gloom - its about research and there are some truly inspirational people doing it! I told a few mums about your poems and they all said they would buy them if there was a book as they sounded so funny - have you tried sending them to JDRF? I feel certain that as they are geared towards juveniles they would appreciate them a lot more than perhaps DUK did! I was trying to remember the words to the milly moles poem and they thought it was brilliant! And if it helps very young children (which i think they would) then that has to be a great contribution to their understanding of diabetes.:D Bev
Thanks Northerner, have you been to one yet? If not i think you would like it - its not about doom and gloom - its about research and there are some truly inspirational people doing it! I told a few mums about your poems and they all said they would buy them if there was a book as they sounded so funny - have you tried sending them to JDRF? I feel certain that as they are geared towards juveniles they would appreciate them a lot more than perhaps DUK did! I was trying to remember the words to the milly moles poem and they thought it was brilliant! And if it helps very young children (which i think they would) then that has to be a great contribution to their understanding of diabetes.:D Bev

Thanks for spreading the word bev, I'll investigate that. I do hope that adults like the poems too!😉
Shame you can only take kids if they have diabetes, we have no family to have our kids as they can't cope with my boy's needs so we never go away and if we could g on on where we could take my kids then i'd go straight away but if your an adult you can only go on the adult one 😡
so pleased to hear you both had a fab time bev x
Hi angeleyes,
Have you asked DUK about this? I feel sure that they would bend over backwards to try to accommodate you and your son! They also have a 'family fund' that is used for these sort of things - then perhaps you could take your son with you and perhaps be able to pay for a nurse to stay with your son whilst you go to the meetings etc ? I know this fund is used for families to go on holidays, buy carpets etc and generally help to makes diabetic peopls lives that little bit more comfortable.

Alternatively couldnt you go on a childrens weekend and they would look after your son for you - at our weekend all the siblings of diabetic children were catered for and had 'carers' all the time we were at meetings. After all much of the information they gave us applies as much to adult diabetics as i does to diabetic children!🙂 Bev
Hi angeleyes,
Have you asked DUK about this? I feel sure that they would bend over backwards to try to accommodate you and your son! They also have a 'family fund' that is used for these sort of things - then perhaps you could take your son with you and perhaps be able to pay for a nurse to stay with your son whilst you go to the meetings etc ? I know this fund is used for families to go on holidays, buy carpets etc and generally help to makes diabetic peopls lives that little bit more comfortable.

Alternatively couldnt you go on a childrens weekend and they would look after your son for you - at our weekend all the siblings of diabetic children were catered for and had 'carers' all the time we were at meetings. After all much of the information they gave us applies as much to adult diabetics as i does to diabetic children!🙂 Bev

I thought the childrens one was purely for diabetic children, a family fund?? Where do I find info on that? I only have my boy an youngest girl at home who also has all the same problems as my boy except she will be in a wheelchair soon
Its for diabetic children PLUS their family PLUS grandparents aunties or whoever else wants to go on it! Basically any family dynamic can go!

I will go and find out from the other forum i am on about the details for the family fund for you - it may be worth a try!
Also, and i hope you dont mind me suggesting this, but ,could you get any respite care for your children? It is only 2 days - surely there must be somewhere you can get this help from? Bev
Its for diabetic children PLUS their family PLUS grandparents aunties or whoever else wants to go on it! Basically any family dynamic can go!

I will go and find out from the other forum i am on about the details for the family fund for you - it may be worth a try!
Also, and i hope you dont mind me suggesting this, but ,could you get any respite care for your children? It is only 2 days - surely there must be somewhere you can get this help from? Bev

Because he is not classed as having a disablility like cerebral palsy etc he doesn't qualify for respite and as for getting help, when i contact social services the young idiot on the phone said so basically you aren't capable of looking after your child and he needs to go on the at risk register to which o promptly told him to ***** off and put the phone down as i was so mad
BEV! WOW! I am SO SO SO SO pleased for you and of course, Alex! This is great that it was so good for you both!

I think its fantastic, I expect this will change his outlook on a life with diabetes that can still be very normal! FANTASTIC NEWS!

Lots of love x
Thanks for the feedback.

Hi All

Elaine here, one of the volunteers at the weekend. Thanks bev for spreading the word on the weekend event.

The comment from angeleyes. From my experience on working for Diabetes UK weekends and holidays, we do cater for children with additional needs - this weekend we had a boy with Downs so we had 2 carers for him. Also at last years holiday we had a boy who was deaf so we had 2 signers. Everyone at Diabetes UK Care Support Team are very friendly and willing to discuss any specific needs you may have.
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