Brilliant NHS staff in N.E.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have had my pump for a few years now (more than 8yrs) & really really love it. 😎 Like everything it takes a bit tweaking now & again. It is so much more adaptable than Mdi. The staff at my local hosp have been tweaking & I feel so much more positive again 😎😉. Am doing a big event this year & pressure is on in my head "3 Of The Tallest" Being in my 49th year of T1 I will not be told I cant :D
That's a great post! Good luck with your 3 biggies, there's no stopping you :D go HOBIE go!!!!!

(This year I'm booked on the Animas Sports w/e coming up very very soon & sh!t scared as I'm so unfit & it'll be full of super-duper fit, athletic youngsters lol)
Don't worry about Animas sports weekend. If it's like last year, activity sessions are done in 3 ability groups, from super fit, through average, to less fit / less experienced. Pump use was emphasised, though, so there's less information about using MDI. Best part is meeting lots of people with type 1 diabetes who do lots of sports.
That's a great post! Good luck with your 3 biggies, there's no stopping you :D go HOBIE go!!!!!

(This year I'm booked on the Animas Sports w/e coming up very very soon & sh!t scared as I'm so unfit & it'll be full of super-duper fit, athletic youngsters lol)

I know what you mean Ingrid ! But keep us informed how you go. I have big faith in you & "knock them out" :D good luck.
Thanks Copepod (I may well want to hide away and pretend to be one of these over the sports weekend..I'm very fond of tardigrades myself 🙂 ) for more detailed description and reassurance. I have other big health probs (incl chronic fatigue syndrome) but did tell them up front & they seemed ok, that the w/e was suitable for anyone. But I used to love sport when a child and am a great believer in exercise/sport for all whatever your ability. I'll leave the 3 peaks challenge to HOBIE for now though 😉
Tardigrades are amazing invertebrates, too - able to go into "suspended animation" for decades, then "wake up", feed, breed etc and go back to "suspended animation". When I worked at a research institute, one woman biologist, who worked on Antarctic tardigrades, had a lovely cartoon on her door of a tardigrade with a hot water bottle strapped to its back 🙂

No point pretending to be a copepod during sports weekend - they're pretty active aquatic creatures. Last year, any swimming had to be done in periods not already allocated to talks or activities or meals eg cutting out some sleep time.
Tardigrades are amazing invertebrates, too - able to go into "suspended animation" for decades, then "wake up", feed, breed etc and go back to "suspended animation". When I worked at a research institute, one woman biologist, who worked on Antarctic tardigrades, had a lovely cartoon on her door of a tardigrade with a hot water bottle strapped to its back 🙂

No point pretending to be a copepod during sports weekend - they're pretty active aquatic creatures. Last year, any swimming had to be done in periods not already allocated to talks or activities or meals eg cutting out some sleep time.

Lol :D (apologies HOBIE for hijacking your thread with talk about little water critters hehe) thanks for that cute image of tardi + hot water bottle!
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