Brick Wall

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been popping on and reading a lot but unfortunately with starting back at school I've had no time to reply to much.

School is going well. There is a lot to do though. And this is where my problems arise. School days are manic, from half 7 to half 5 I am pretty much non stop. I don't mind it as (generally!) I enjoy it. But, and I know I've posted on this before - it's a termly cycle I think - when I'm so busy at work my diabetes slips down the priority list. I am now cycling to school too so an extra thing to take on board.

For the last 2 weeks my sugar levels have been all over the place and the exercise of cycling is seeming to have no effect on them whatsoever. I know it's because I'm not giving them the time and attention they deserve but I really don't know how to. My brain is so full of school stuff and to-do lists that weighing my food out and calculating ratios (which I think are changing) is just too much. I'm starting to feel ill and tired and tearful and at the moment hating it so much. I just want to be able to focus on my job and do it well without having to think about sugar levels 😡 I know I have to do it, I know only I can get myself back on track but I just don't have the brain power at the moment. I'v ehad enough of it. :(
I've been popping on and reading a lot but unfortunately with starting back at school I've had no time to reply to much.

School is going well. There is a lot to do though. And this is where my problems arise. School days are manic, from half 7 to half 5 I am pretty much non stop. I don't mind it as (generally!) I enjoy it. But, and I know I've posted on this before - it's a termly cycle I think - when I'm so busy at work my diabetes slips down the priority list. I am now cycling to school too so an extra thing to take on board.

For the last 2 weeks my sugar levels have been all over the place and the exercise of cycling is seeming to have no effect on them whatsoever. I know it's because I'm not giving them the time and attention they deserve but I really don't know how to. My brain is so full of school stuff and to-do lists that weighing my food out and calculating ratios (which I think are changing) is just too much. I'm starting to feel ill and tired and tearful and at the moment hating it so much. I just want to be able to focus on my job and do it well without having to think about sugar levels 😡 I know I have to do it, I know only I can get myself back on track but I just don't have the brain power at the moment. I'v ehad enough of it. :(

Dear Munjeeta,

I can't begin to imagine what you are going through, hopefully you will get it sorted soon, and being a type 2 I don't feel qualified to offer advice, hopefully a T1 will do that. However, I just purchased Dr. Bernstein's book (thanks to Alan Jardine) I think its good for T1s and T2s.

Warmest Regards Dodger
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hi munjeeta sorry you seem to be having a rough time of it , it can be very difficult juggling a busy work schudule and diabetes because however hard you try and get on with it you will always be givin a reminder your diabetic r.e the blood sugar levels issue, i dont suppose at the end of the day when you get home you can just "zone out" can you? maybe take a warm bath light some candles and relax,sometimes thats easier said then done i guess , just remember no matter how much work you must remember your body can sometimes say look you need to stop and take a rest YOU are the most important thing , are you due any holiday at work? the cycling is a great way to go i love my cycling and doing so to work is really good so well done on that score.maybe think of going to see your GP and just explain look i feel constantly worn out and my BG levels are just all over the place,see what they come up with as dodger said myself also being a type 2 i feel i cant offer alot more help , i hope you feel better soon munjeeta and remember we are here for you x
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Hi Munjeeta, sorry to hear of the problems you have been having - certainly doesn't seem fair when you ar keeping yourself so busy and active! The cycling will be having an effect, but it sounds like you are 'swinging' from low to high and bouncing around which makes it very difficult to get stability in your levels.

As you say, you HAVE to do it - there is no escape from Camp Diabetes. You need to make it a priority activity each day to take care of your diabetes. This is the most important thing for you as it affects your future well-being, not just your day to day health and moods. Uncle Northerner INSISTS that you start scheduling time into each day to do things properly - think of it as a naughty but special child who must have a little of your time each day to keep it happy and quiet!

I know you have the determination, it is just finding that little bit of selfishness in your selfless body to take care of YOU first! Regular reports, please, or I will be round there!😉🙂
Good morning Munjeeta

I can totally understand how it must be for you. I think the advice uncle Northener has give you is excellent! So i will second what he says and would love to read an update of how you are getting on.

Take care.

Mand 🙂
Aww Munjeeta ((((hugs)))) I know exactly how you feel !!! Everything was going well for me , now Im busier working things are begining to slide :(Its easy at first to ignore Diabetes as its quite a silent disease , eventually things start to be more noticeable though , as you say the ill feeling , tiredness and general mood swings !! your poor boyf !! You know yourself you have to get a grip of things and get back on track , easily said I know , but it has to be done for your long term health and also once your levels are less erratic you will feel sooo much better and more able to cope with the big D.
We are always here for you whenever you need a chat , rant or just to let us know how things are going for you.
P.S >>>>> Do as Uncle Northerner says!!! :D:D
Take care xxx A.M xxx
Hi Munjeeta, I hope you are feeling better. Lots of teachers seem to go through this at the begining of a new school year. From the other side of the coin, our little feller started school and hubby is having problems settling into the routine of dropping off and picking up and getting everything he wants to do in between. Hubby retired from work in August too, so it is all very new for him.
Thank you guys. I don't really know what I expected when I posted. I think I just needed a rant.

Dodger and Steff, thanks for your kind words.

Northerner and Mand. Thanks too. I know there's no escaping it. Really I do. It's just difficult to find time to think about it. Until I reach the point where I can't ignore it any more. But it's not a cycle I want to contnue with. I feel ill and grumpy and have been in tears on and off all morning, not pleasant! But...

Action points:
I have written down this morning's blood sugar and insulin/action taken and food eaten in a table. I will fill it in religiously this week.
I have also talked to my boyfriend (yes, AM - poor thing indeed!! 😱 I hope you're ok?) and we have decided to eat dinner a little earlier this week to allow me to do a before bed blood test 4 hours after my dinner to get a better reading from which I should be able to sort my night time basal.
I am going to weigh out my carbs this week (and James has said he will too on the days that he cooks)
I am going to do a daytime basal test over lunchtime today too.
I am also going to talk to my headteacher and ask her if I can take assembly times (first thing - about 20 mins) next week to spend making sure my sugar levels are ok and thinking about effects of cycling. She has done this once before and I'm hoping will be ok to do it again as 20 minutes of respite out the hecticness of school is sometimes all it takes.
I have also decided to write a diabetes diary (although that's possibly a wish list item) to try and get it all out.

Wow. Quite a to-do list... No wonder it all gets a little too much from time to time... 🙄 Onwards and upwards please.
Sorry you're feeling like this Munjeeta, but glad you've put an action plan together! Good luck with it and feel free to come on here and rant whenever you need to!! Please do sort it as North' says there's no way out of camp D!?!!
Sorry to hear you're having a bit of a tough time at the moment Munjeeta.

I honestly don't think I could cope with Type 1, I'm such an unorganised person I'm sure I'd end up in a straitjacket trying to work everything out, not to mention all the stuff you have to do with being a teacher.

Don't blame you one bit for needing a rant!!

cycling to work

I can only really comment on cycling to work with type 1 diabetes - I'm assuming your route doesn't change? As I have 3 different jobs, I have 3 different bike rides to work, although 2 are basically 1.5 miles each way, the other is 3.5 miles each way, with a large hill at the work end. There are also 1 or 2 days each week when I cycle 1 mile to railway station, get on train to about 15 mins, then cycle 1.5 miles at the far end. Now I know how to handle each type of ride, I only have to adjust insulin dose if it's really hot or windy weather or if I don't have time for breakfast - I have to be at main job by 0745 after 1.5 mile ride, so that's the only time it could happen, but so far I've managed to eat before setting off each morning; other jobs have later start times, so no risk of missing breakfast. Now that I know how the bike rides affect me, I don't have to test when I arrive, so hope your week of missing assembly sorts things for yourself. I'm not sure that cycling actually helps to control my blood glucose levels, but I enjoy it (winter just means extra outer clothing and thicker gloves), it is regular, easy to fit in physical exercise, is cheaper, better for environment etc. I can even claim 20p per mile for the bike / train journey, plus train ticket price, totalling less to my employer than driving at 40p per mile.
Hey MJ,

I have been feeling a bit like this recently too (had a rant with AM the other day in oneliners), but for me it's because ive been good, testing all the time etc but I still can't get good levels all the time 🙄

Maybe you could think about getting a pump ready for you next long end of term holiday? So that you have time to sort it out before going back to school. I dont know if that would help you out with your work or now, you'd have to ask a pumper :D

Goodluck sorting everything out xx
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