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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello all,

Did anyone see the DUK article on breastfeeding in the last edition? Having been through trying to bfeed once, I didn't really rate it...the advice was very general (yes you can bfeed as a diabetic, but watch out for hypos...that's about it!)

Has anyone got some more detailed advice?

My main issues last time round (not resolved by any means) were:

1) Can I feed when I have trace or more ketones?

2) If it's not safe to feed with ketones, should I express & dispose of my milk, (give him formula / previously expressed milk via bottle in the meanwhile) & then how long should I leave it before I bfeed him again? 1hr? 2hrs?

3) If it is safe to feed with trace+ ketones, what affect if any might it have on baby? (chemical affect on him, will he taste the ketones, etc??)

4) Of lower level interest was if I am also trying to lose weight (cutting down calories rather than full on dieting) does that mean I'll release more ketones even if my levels are good? Do I need to be checking for ketones even if my levels aren't too high?

I also found it a real nightmare trying to stabilise my control whilst attempting to bfeed - all the snacks to cover feeding hypos, the lack of sleep & the irregular meal times all seemed to interact & cause chaos...just one of hte many reasons I wanted to be on a pump this time round :( (ie not have to eat to treat feeding hypos, so less chaos effect later)...

Any advice for this time round??...

Am also feeling apprehensive about even getting started...had a section mid afternoon last time & didn't even get to see him til the next morning, until then he was fed via nose tube until he pulled it out & they switched to giving him formula via bottles... :( eek...
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