Breakfast, what to have

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ok, avoiding bacon because of the satureated fat. Also not having cheese. What can I have for breakfast instead of ceriel?
A few favourites of mine are: grilled tomatoes or mushrooms on toast. Sprinkle either with a touch of curry powder, or paprika, a drop of Maggi, or Worcester sauce and away you go. Alternatively, my own home made yoghurt and a handful of fresh berries, usually blueberries goes down well and leaves the numbers in a good spot.
I should say that, seperate to the diabetis, I'd been trying to loose weight. I'd managed about 4 stone. Stalled maybe five months ago and put a touch on. I've had different advice on fruit, with some this week that says it's at least something to managed/watched out for. One was that the advice is max two portions a day. I could maybe do with that at some other time in the day.
Grilled tomatoes. Interesting.
I should say that, seperate to the diabetis, I'd been trying to loose weight. I'd managed about 4 stone. Stalled maybe five months ago and put a touch on. I've had different advice on fruit, with some this week that says it's at least something to managed/watched out for. One was that the advice is max two portions a day. I could maybe do with that at some other time in the day.
Grilled tomatoes. Interesting.
Poached eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, fried egg, omelette, are all zero carb (unless you add carb to the omelette) and super quick to make. They're also cheap and cheerful.
My wife hated mushrooms and wouldn't even have them in the house. Now I'm diabetic, she lets me have them when I want. Yay!
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