Its taken me 8 years from my first appointment with my diabetes team when I discussed wanting a family to get to my first positive test this weekend (including 1 round of clomid and 3 rounds of IVF).
I am on Novorapid, Levimir and metformin and high dose folic acid. I am an unusual diabetic as its caused by another (rare) endocrine disorder called partial lipodystrophy related to how I process and store fat (diagnosed last year after 20 years of being an "odd ball diabetic") so its going to be challenging as I cant use fat to help with reducing blood glucose ( I'm limited to 50g of fat a day). I have been advised by my diabetes team to inject 15 minutes ahead of meals which has really helped lunch and evening meal be in target but struggling with breakfast although ive upped my dosage of insulin. What do you eat for breakfast that's not high fat? I can do eggs and a small amount of nuts. I would love to here your ideas..
Its taken me 8 years from my first appointment with my diabetes team when I discussed wanting a family to get to my first positive test this weekend (including 1 round of clomid and 3 rounds of IVF).
I am on Novorapid, Levimir and metformin and high dose folic acid. I am an unusual diabetic as its caused by another (rare) endocrine disorder called partial lipodystrophy related to how I process and store fat (diagnosed last year after 20 years of being an "odd ball diabetic") so its going to be challenging as I cant use fat to help with reducing blood glucose ( I'm limited to 50g of fat a day). I have been advised by my diabetes team to inject 15 minutes ahead of meals which has really helped lunch and evening meal be in target but struggling with breakfast although ive upped my dosage of insulin. What do you eat for breakfast that's not high fat? I can do eggs and a small amount of nuts. I would love to here your ideas..