Bread Machine Recipes...

Mr Happymoose

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi folks.

I'm still trying to get a hold of my diet after my diagnosis and one of my big downfalls is definitely bread. I have worked out that shop bought sourdough bread doesn't seem to spike me tat much, especially if it's toasted and Lidl do a couple of loaves that seem okay in moderation but the thing I really miss at the mo is home made bread.

Now, I know I could have a go at making my own sourdough but, even compared to other bread it's a bit of a faff and we don't really have the room in our rather small kitchen to be dealing with a dough plant and all that goes with it. I mean, there's a reason I bought a bread machine :D

I was wondering if anyone has any recipes or links to recipes for low gi/low carb bread machine recipes at all? I have tried searching the forum, but not really coming up with anything.
Hi folks.

I'm still trying to get a hold of my diet after my diagnosis and one of my big downfalls is definitely bread. I have worked out that shop bought sourdough bread doesn't seem to spike me tat much, especially if it's toasted and Lidl do a couple of loaves that seem okay in moderation but the thing I really miss at the mo is home made bread.

Now, I know I could have a go at making my own sourdough but, even compared to other bread it's a bit of a faff and we don't really have the room in our rather small kitchen to be dealing with a dough plant and all that goes with it. I mean, there's a reason I bought a bread machine :D

I was wondering if anyone has any recipes or links to recipes for low gi/low carb bread machine recipes at all? I have tried searching the forum, but not really coming up with anything.
@Mr Happymoose, I am insulin dependent and don't need to seek out low carb foods. However I often do keep an eye out for things that are naturally low carb - just because I'm looking at the backs of packets for the carb count anyway!

I stumbled across Jason's sourdough bread, findable in Tesco's and apparently many other supermarkets. Most of Jason's sourdough breads are in the 45 to 55% range, so definitely not low car . However they do one which is definitely much lower at 22%, which works out at 11gm carbs for a single slice. It is Jason's Sourdough seeded Protein. The packaging has a lot of purple on it. Just be aware they have a different higher carb bread with also has a lot of purple on the packaging and we accidentally purchased; no big deal for me - I just needed to remember it was higher carb and take extra insulin.


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@Mr Happymoose, I am insulin dependent and don't need to seek out low carb foods. However I often do keep an eye out for things that are naturally low carb - just because I'm looking at the backs of packets for the carb count anyway!

I stumbled across Jason's sourdough bread, findable in Tesco's and apparently many other supermarkets. Most of Jason's sourdough breads are in the 45 to 55% range, so definitely not low car . However they do one which is definitely much lower at 22%, which works out at 11gm carbs for a single slice. It is Jason's Sourdough seeded Protein. The packaging has a lot of purple on it. Just be aware they have a different higher carb bread with also has a lot of purple on the packaging and we accidentally purchased; no big deal for me - I just needed to remember it was higher carb and take extra insulin.
I do get the Jason's sourdough and find it doesn't spike me anywhere near as much as a wholemeal for example. I'm really looking for something I can make myself though. I've often looked at having a go at my own sourdough, but it's a lot of fiddling around unfortunately.
I’ve a Panasonic bread maker that has a sourdough programme, just never had a go at it, been thinking of using it recently. Some sour dough bread we buy in Waitrose is nice, seeded one. Hubs bought a Tesco one which looks more traditional sourdough but quite tough, makes nice toast.
SO, yes I really need to use my baker and see how it turns out.
I found that the bread maker I had would make a nice dough and it rose well - and then all the puff was knocked out of it as the dough was too tender to stand the kneading.
I was aiming for a very low carb bread though - and when I used the breadmaker only for the kneading and first proving before taking the dough out, gently adding lots of low carb stuff and allowing it to rise in its own time, it worked very well. These days I use a stand mixer.
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I found that the bread maker I had would make a nice dough and it rows well - and then all the puff was knocked out of it as the dough was too tender to stand the kneading.
I was aiming for a very low carb bread though - and when I used the breadmaker only for the kneading and first proving before taking the dough out, gently adding lots of low carb stuff and allowing it to rise in its own time, it worked very well. These days I use a stand mixer.
I tend to use the dough cycle on my bread machine and then cook it in the oven as I used to find that that gave a much better loaf.
I don't know if this would work in a bread machine.
I might need to play around with the liquids in that recipe. I think as it stands, it would come out more like cake than bread but as I'm not looking for a strictly paleo recipe, it may well be a good place to start. I think switching the eggs for milk and adding some yeast to get the rise could make for an interesting loaf
Bread machines usually have a dough mixing programme, so probably will.
My other half is the bread maker and just uses a normal food mixer with the dough hook and then does the kneading by hand after the first rising then cooks in the oven. He has found the most critical thing is to get the moisture right in the dough.
We gave up on a bread maker as we were not very pleased with the result.
We like the Wessex Mill flours and some of the Wrights mixes and some own creations. The courgette bread works well.
I’ve only had Panasonics. Yes I use Wessex and flours from mills I’ve visited.i generally add more liquid to the natural flours.
Bread; on the occasion I have pitta bread (26 carbs) it does spike the BG. After a couple of pitta breads, I tested later and it was 8.5, not too bad but something I shouldn't eat that often or only one! Am ok with Livlif (I think it is called) at 3 carbs a slice.
I get the Jason's sourdough (Tesco & Morrisons so far) and have had another that looks like a standard sourdough from Tesco. All have been best toasted! Also purchased some from a sourdough maker (at a local market) which I could eat as an open sandwich. Used to make almost all of our bread in breadmaker...will have to see about trying.
I get the Jason's sourdough (Tesco & Morrisons so far) and have had another that looks like a standard sourdough from Tesco. All have been best toasted! Also purchased some from a sourdough maker (at a local market) which I could eat as an open sandwich. Used to make almost all of our bread in breadmaker...will have to see about trying.
We prefer a sourdough loaf from Waitrose, we bought one from Tesco and like you said, it was better toasted, quite dense and soon go’s hard. My Panasonic baker will do sour dough, I’ve got to work it out, ie read instructions
Don't think my Panasonic will do sour dough - no setting or method in the book.
Would love to try a Waitrose sour dough, sadly we don't have a branch of that anywhere near (I live far north west Scotland).