Brassed off!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Sorry just wanted to have a general moan, feeling a bit sorry for myself recently, just seem to have had one thing after another recently starting about 6 weeks ago. Usually get my care at the local diabetes centre so when I got a letter from my GP asking me to have fasting blood tests I thought I would play ball and let them get a few QUAF points and duitifully had them done, then got called in, guess what to add to yet an ever increasing lists of ailments (honest if I was an animal you would have put me down by now!) I am anaemic, no idea why? Since then I have had a sore throat(nothing to write home about) hace had an allergic skin reaction on my face so I looked real prretty have had a stomach bug and ear infection!
I am usually quite a positive person but feel as if everything is conspiring against me at the moment.
I am being really careful with my diet because if I eat the wrong thing I look like I am having triplets! have also been pounding away on the treadmill everynight for an hour so I don't know what else I can do, any suggestions from anybody will be gratefully recieved. Feel better now I have got it off my chest< i don't like to winge and this must sound like a major winney winge and for that I apologise. I'll stop now as frankly I am getting embarassing😱
it helps to have a whinge and the effect of bottling it all up is far worse than having a food whinge from time to time.

have a think about what you want to change and go for bite sized chunks. Instead of the treadmill one night have a bop to your fabourite dance tunes for example.

don't beat yourself up for not getting it right every time, make a list of the things you do well and every time you do something well add to the list.

I hope you are feeling better soon
Hi Jo,
Don't feel bad or embarassed about having a winge - it's what were here for and we all do it from time to time too ( i know I certainly do!) if it's helped a little then it was definately worth saying something. Sounds as if you've had a bit of a rough time health wise recently it must have really taken the energy out of you having all that at the same time. Can't really give you any suggestions but just wanted to say I hope things improve soon and you can go back to being the positive person that you are 😉

Emma x
It's alright Jo, we all get like that sometimes (just wait till my next GP appointment, that always puts me in the worst of moods). Yeah, like you everytime i go to my GP he either changes his mind about something, diagnoses me with a new ailment or gives me a new tablet. Don't feel bad about venting your frustration, if you're anything like me, just writing it down helps enormously.

Hi Jo, sorry to hear you're having a rough time. A couple of thoughts - if you're on metformin, you might like to take a look at the metformin and anaemia thread.

Do you think your body might need a rest from excercise, with being anaemic and ill - you must knackered!? Apparently everyone should have a break a few days a week? Hope you feel better soon. 🙂
Thank you all for your kind words, have had to cut back on the exercise as I am that tired that I physically can't do it!
The metformin thread and anaemia thread looks interesting and it is certainly something that I will mention to my consultant at my next appointment.
Reading through I guess we all hit brick walls at times and it can get very frustrating when we all try really hard to maintain and improve our health and we don't see results or we get' your Hba1c is a little high' or 'you have put on a few pounds'
Never mind, I'm sure I will get there eventually but it is nice to know that you will all listen without judging,THANK YOU 🙂
Hi Jo, I am glad you are feeling better and that we have managed to help you. We are all here because of diabetes, we all need a whinge sometimes and we all try to support each other.
Hey Jo,

We all have times where things don't go the way we'd wish, more so with Diabetes, most people including our health care teams don't understand that as well as physical there are emotional implications to the condition. But we all know too well that is the case, so you're with friends.

As for the putting you down with a few more ailments, trust me I possibly higher up the ladder than you and when I suggest it to my docs, they just laugh at me and tell me it won't be for a long time yet!

In addition to all the diet and exercise, may I suggest some 'Jo' time - do what you please, perhaps there is somewhere you like driving too, do it at 3am when there is no traffic, go for that meaningless walk, discover what is around where you live, you'll be surprised, borrow a dog if it makes you feel better.

Go and find a massive field in the middle of no-where and (within reason!) shout as loud as you can - strange one, but I've heard it works, from a friend erm, hmmm...

Have a massage, go for a swim, listen to some music just do what you want for you and no-one else, the switching off from all around you I find is very theraputic when things get too much.

And on the topic of diet don't let it make you a slave, from time to time a treat is good, perhaps a curry or a dessert. One every so often (NOT three or so times a week!) won't harm your overall control, if you have too much you might feel off for a few hours, it will pass. Buy a small bar of chocolate, eat it over four or five days, check your will power out.

I've never had anaemia, but I understand chewing a rusty nail isn't much use and it stains your chin 😉 However, there looks to be some information coming in from the informed about Metformin.

Oh, the other good thing is humour, take a regular look at the jokes section, go back many pages, there is usually something for everyone and a great reference when you just want to chuckle or laugh loudly so everyone at work wants to know what you're doing! 😱
Hi Jo, never worry about whingeing, this is a great place to do that cos everyone needs a good moan now and then - sounds like you've had plenty to cheese you off lately, too.

Hope things improve for you soon.

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