Brand new 'snake oil' scam alert

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've seen this floating around twitter today - just thought I would alert you all to it.

It's absolute rubbish of course, but if you can stand reading this sort of stuff aware of how much of a con it is, it's a bit of a treat. Paranoia about brainwashing and government conspiracies, which mixes it up a little.
Oh I think stuff like this is really funny. I get about halfway through, get a bit annoyed with it all, then remember how ridiculous it is.

On the other hand, I dread to think who might be suckered in by something like this??

edit: also, try googling the company name and postcode at the very bottom of the webpage (Vital Life Education, W2 2JH) 😉
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Oh a seriously amusing yet totally wrong heap of cack. Who will be pulled in by this? I wish peer review worked a little more effectively as I don't think this would even make it out if it did.
These people tend to play on others vulnerabilities and desires to find a cure. I have seen this on another forum. Unfortunately (for them) one or two of the forum users had to find out the hard way it was a scam.
I got an email from my in-laws telling me about the virtues of cinnamon and honey - drinking it every day. Allegedly it cures everything, from degenerative joint problems, heart disease, hearing loss (!) and even cancer! Not quite sure what 2 tablespoons 3 times a day would do to my sugar levels, but I filed it under B (for "bin").
Honey is mildly antibactrial and antisceptic, so has some medicinl value. If you get local honey a teaspoon dialy is said to help hayfever, and honey and lemon together is said to help relieve a cough. One friend gives it to her baby at bedtime because it is mildly sedative and she thinks it helps the baby sleep better.

Honey does lots of amazing things, but it is not the universal cure all.
Honey is mildly antibactrial and antisceptic, so has some medicinl value. If you get local honey a teaspoon dialy is said to help hayfever, and honey and lemon together is said to help relieve a cough. One friend gives it to her baby at bedtime because it is mildly sedative and she thinks it helps the baby sleep better.

Honey does lots of amazing things, but it is not the universal cure all.

It cures hypos! 😉 Otherwise, I wouldn't want to inject just for that, although I do have some in porridge in the winter and bolus for it then.
It cures hypos! 😉 Otherwise, I wouldn't want to inject just for that, although I do have some in porridge in the winter and bolus for it then.

I hadn't thought of using it like that! To cure a hypo that is...
this was mildly amusing load of tosh until i read the bit

"If you don?t stop the attacks on your pancreas? you develop type 2 and eventually type 1 diabetes!"

oh what can you do😡

Honey is mildly antibactrial and antisceptic, so has some medicinl value.

If memory serves, the (very) mild antibacterial and antiseptic properties of honey only really apply to Manuka honey. Its probably not a coincidence that this originates in Aus/NZ in areas where tea tree grows. Tea tree extracts also have mild antiseptic and antibac qualities.

Of course, pharmaceutical approaches are usually more effective because they have just worked out which chemical component actually works and just use that without including the other 200+ chemicals which are present in "herbal extracts" - the favourite of the scammers. Oh and pharma versions actually have to be tested and proved to have some effect before being sold.

And of course any claim for any kind of "cure" or "reversal" for diabetes is complete nonsense.

Oh and despite the many many claims about cinnamon, it has no effect. Not in any of its forms. Don't believe the hype.

Northie - Not the best hypo cure surely? Certainly a pleasant one but honey's GI is not that high, relatively speaking
...Northie - Not the best hypo cure surely? Certainly a pleasant one but honey's GI is not that high, relatively speaking

Not the best, no - but if nothing else is readily available (unlikely!). The best hypo remedy is Jelly babies. I know this because I have proved it 108 times in the past year...😉
You T1s do make me jealous sometimes 😛
I googled Dr Steven Schaller who is mentioned in the article - funnily enough the only time he came up was in relation to that particular article!
When I googled the address and had a quick flick through the results of cure fibromyalgia, alzheimers, MS it was the same article as the diabetes one but the name of the condition was changed to suit each one lol..
Honey's definitely out for me, I'm diet controlled, I sometimes wish I was on insulin, might make my diet a bit more interesting...
"starting to make sense?"...errr...nope

Warning: Contains sarcasm...
Hummmm, they have a very simplistic view of the human body don't they? It's back to the usual junk that claims that you only have diabetes (or by extension apparently anything else wrong with you at all) coz you've eaten the wrong stuff...Pesticides, i knew that was what did it, but hey, i might have diabetes but at least i don't have greenfly! ;-)
I think maybe somebody could do Dr Young and his colleagues a huge favour and explain the concepts of insulin resistance and type 1 diabetes in general to them... Surely no matter how much "cleansing" you do, your pancreas isn't going to just spring back joyfully into full efficency.
They seem very hung up on acidity, and they should probably understand that your pancreas is quite close to your stomach which is generally full of acid...
I'm also ammused by the idea that "lifestyle drugs" were for treating heart disease, asthma and diabetes etc...coz i thought that "lifestyle drugs" mean cocaine and heroin.I wish Metformin was that exciting to take.And as for "Insulin addiction", i'm no expert, i'm not on it myself but didn't think it was really that much fun to take..

Just a few thoughts
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