'Brake gene' turned off in pancreatic cancer

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Aggressive pancreatic tumours may be treatable with a new class of drugs, according to Cancer Research UK

Less than one in five people with this form of cancer are still alive a year after being diagnosed.

A study, published in the journal Nature, showed that a gene was being switched off in the cancerous cells.

The reseachers said drugs were already being tested which had the potential to turn the gene back on, to stop the spread of the cancer.

Around 7,800 people in the UK are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer every year and it is the fifth most deadly cancer.

My husband's Dad died of it yonks ago. (I never knew him as this is our second mariage(s))

It's amazing to think the prognosis has stayed the same for this type of cancer for so many years, when so many advances have been made elsewhere.

Wonder what the types are where the death rate is higher, then?
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