Brain not working

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ugh The brain just being there, kind of like you've not been sleeping enough, has been bad this month.
Not sure if I am following your train of thought but I have resigned mine (brain) to the influence of rum and diet coke and things are looking a whole lot clearer and more optimistic for it. Not an ideal situation I know, but making progress with the help of a little alcohol is surely just as good as not making progress without it and I feel significantly happier! Looks like my weekend has started early!
Ah sorry to hear this @Ralph-YK

Hope your head clears over the weekend. Not sure the weather is going to be up to much, but perhaps wrap up and go for a blustery walk to blow away the cobwebs?
When I was taking Metformin and a statin, I really was not firing on all cylinders - I can still recall the time just before Christmas 2016 when I was wandering around the supermarket car park trying to find the car, and the jolt of pure fear when I opened the back and found it was full of food I'd forgotten about - we were eating sprouts until February.
I threw out the pills and slowly got back to normal - but I am sure there must be people wandering in a daze through life, lovingly fed the tablets which are causing it because the medication is known to be safe.
Yeah - right.
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