Brain Fog - High for a long time now more normal ranges

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there,

Does anyone know if experiencing fatigue and brain fog is normal if you've had high blood sugar for a prolonged (months/weeks) hyper and then return to more normal levels? I wasn't aware I was so out of range but was made aware during latest tests and have taken steps to correct this. It's working, but I feel a little out of it.

Is it possible I've "adjusted" to the higher glucose levels and now I feel like I have low blood sugar even though I don't as I'm back in a normal (ish) range?

Thanks all 🙂
Is it possible I've "adjusted" to the higher glucose levels and now I feel like I have low blood sugar even though I don't as I'm back in a normal (ish) range?

That is certainly something that some people experience. Almost like their glucose ‘thermostat’ needs to reset.

When first diagnosed some people experience fairly full-on hypo warning signs, which can feel very uncomfortable, but when their levels are actually in quite a healthy range. Just one which is much lower than their body is used to running at.

Hope things settle down for you soon. And glad to hear you’ve been able to get your BGs more towards your target range.
Thanks for the reply, really helpful.

I've just today had a really funny turn - my heart rate shot up over 100 even though I was sitting at my work PC and not moving around really, went really lightheaded and just "strange" like I was outside my own body. I was thinking I was having a heart attack ! I'm feeling better now after an hour or so but definitely not fully recovered.

I checked my blood sugar levels and it was 8.0 mmol/L - I had eaten something a few hours ago, but very low in carbs. My levels have been into the 15 or 16 range prior to starting new meds (Jardiance) five days ago but had been trending downward too due to my alterations in diet from my diabetic review several weeks prior. So going down with lifestyle changes, then added in Jardiance from last Friday.

I had quite a few symptoms of a hypo without low levels though - shaking, sweating, dizzy, elevated heart rate.

Really distressing.
Although rather scary I suspect it is your body adjusting to somewhat lower level so even though you are not low by normal definition your body thinks it is.
Maybe ease up on very low carb and go a bit more slowly.
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