Bother my bloomin' basal too!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there, feeling a bit cheesed off and frustrated today... I've normally been very impressed with my diabetes team but today I just feel like I wasted a morning on a carb-counting refresher session.

I actually had a check up with the consultant on Tuesday, which went fine, HBA1C down to 7.1% from 7.7%, which she was pleased with. After going through my BG diary and talking about all the exercise I do (am training from the Greath North Run) she advised me to drop my Lantus from 8 to 6 as I was having hypos most days. So I've tried that for 2 days now and it seems to be working fine.

Then today I went on the carb-counting refresher course, and they just had all these formulae that they were trying to apply to everyone, regardless of how your BG was or what your lifestyle is. So the DSN said your basal units should be 50% of your total insulin daily dose (i.e. basal + all boluses) so for me (typical day 6 lantus, plus 6,7 and 10 Novorapid = 29 total) that works out at 14units, so when I said I took 6 she said "well, that's not enough" without asking me anything about how active I am or how good my levels currently are! Then she said your carb-insulin ratio is 500 divided by your total daily units, which gives 1 unit Novorapid for 17g carbs for me. I currently take 1 unit per 10g carbs, which works fine. But she was adamant that if I took 14 units lantus, I'd need less Novorapid, but I think taking over double my Lantus units would probably put me in hospital!

Surely if these formulas are valid, they'd only apply to the average person, and there would be a range of ratios and doses which work for different people. Any statistical distribution will inevitably have outliers, people at both ends of the normal range, and she wasn't willing to take that into account at all! Sorry I'm getting a bit mathematical here, but I'm a scientist and I like to appreciate that there is uncertainty in this kind of calculation.

To top it all, she rambled on beyond the scheduled end time of the session, and a guy went hypo, felt really sick and looked very shaken and spaced out and they had to rush in nurses to look after him. The poor man must have been very embarrassed about it all.

Sorry, just needed to rant to people who might understand my frustration at one professional saying one thing and one saying the total opposite 2 days later. I think I'll go with what thye consultant said for the time being, since she'd actually looked at my lifestyle and what was going on with my BG levels.

Does anyone think these formulae fit their doses at the moment? I'd be interested to know!
Hi Pigeon,

Sorry to hear you feeling fed up...🙂

Whilst I don't carb count for Nathan .. and cant really say what ratio's people/children should take and the formula's for working them out etc.

The thing I would say .. Is that you know your body and diabetes best out of all the medical profession .. you must do what you feel comfortable with ... bearing in mind your consultant is very happy with your progress etc ... and you've a brilliant HbAc1 .. Diabetes is also a very individual condition .. what works well for one person may not for another.

I would say stick with what you know, and what works for you ...🙂

How frustrating that must have been.

It's often said that basal should account for around 50% of you typical daily dose, but that really is just a guide and doesn't work for everyone. As you say it's for an 'average' person, I think I'm at about 40% although my bolus amounts vary so much that it's difficult to say. I'd have thought it makes perfect sense that your basal is lower than you'd have expected given that you're training for the run.
I'd have said, so long as you're happy with the results you're getting and you're confident that your basal level is right I'd stick with what the consultant said!
Hi Pigeon, I agree with you totally. I was told the same thing at my carb-counting course, and at that time (about 3 months after diagnosis) it appeared to be working fairly well, although I was having to go to bed high in order to avoid night hypos.

Since gaining greater understanding of myself and my diabetes, I have now got things under much better control - and would certainly not go back to the 20 units of lantus I was on. Actually, I'd need even more to bring it up to 50% total insulin. I currently take 9 lantus, which is around 25% of my total daily insulin. As you say, doubling the lantus would probably land me in hospital - or even worse as I live alone and no-one would find me in time!

Stick with what you know works and the advice of your consultant! And good luck in your training for the Great North Run!:D
I take around 60% of my TDD as basal. The 500 rule bring me out at 1unit: 25g. I am on around 1unit to 20-25 so thats fairly accurate for me.

I think that you should go with what you know is working for you.
Cheers for your replies, it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who doesn't fit the model.

Good luck for your Great South Run, Northerner!
Cheers for your replies, it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who doesn't fit the model.

Good luck for your Great South Run, Northerner!

Thanks pigeon - hope your training is going well!🙂
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