Bother. And I have tried so hard

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I guess age has crept up and added with T1 has given me a bit of biff. I spent yesterday in A&E (8 hours with the staff working full tilt) and have had a TIA. So glad that it was not a stroke. Having checked the list of things that I can do to prevent these I already tick the boxes apart from getting my cholesterol down below 3.8. Just one of those things that can happen, and a warning of possible stroke.

I know that I could not have done more regarding my diabetes and the closed loop will be helping even more. I am trying to make sure that I don’t go back to limiting myself and setting unrealistic targets, and so snowball downwards. Just difficult to find a balance between being ‘sensible‘.
I’m so sorry to hear that @SB2015 I hope you’re ok and aren’t feeling too unwell.

Sending you a massive hug {{{hugs}}} Look after yourself xxx

I’d also add not to blame yourself. Sometimes things just happen, and they’re nothing to do with failings on our part. Health is a delicate balance and outside things can nudge it the wrong way sometimes. There’s a lot of chance involved.
So sorry to hear this Sue and hope you are feeling better soon.

I can totally understand how this would hit you hard and the only thing I can say is, if this was a broken ankle or wrist, would you feel differently about it? These things happen. At least you won't be laid up for weeks or months (hopefully) as you would with a broken bone. Diabetes hasn't seen you off and neither has this. It is just another challenge but don't let it stop you living life to the full. (((HUGS)))
Big ((((((HUGS))))) to you @SB2015. I hope you feel better soon.
So sorry to hear of your TIA, it must have been a very scary experience. Getting prompt treatment is key.
My OH had one 5 years ago and luckily received excellent care and has suffered no further problem but he has been on anticoagulant tablets ever since so of course tends to bleed a bit more if he cuts himself.
They told him to take it easy for a bit, but he insisted on mowing the grass 3 days later. Men, they know better.
I can totally understand how this would hit you hard and the only thing I can say is, if this was a broken ankle or wrist, would you feel differently about it? These things happen
Thanks @rebrascora , that is an excellent point, and puts a much better perspective on things.
So sorry to hear of your TIA, it must have been a very scary experience. Getting prompt treatment is key.
My OH had one 5 years ago and luckily received excellent care and has suffered no further problem but he has been on anticoagulant tablets ever since so of course tends to bleed a bit more if he cuts himself.
They told him to take it easy for a bit, but he insisted on mowing the grass 3 days later. Men, they know better.
Good to know that for many there is no repeat. Long May that continue for your OH
I have stuck to reading and weaving today, but plan to play a gig tomorrow afternoon with our steel band, up will let the others do the setting up and get my OH to come along to do my share of the lifting. I will stick to putting up music stands I think.
Ooh, Sue, sorry to hear that, I hope its a never to be repeated experience!
Thanks Robin. I have a referral and they will decide whether any action is needed. Apparently they can put the equivalent of a stent in the arteries if necessary.
I’m so sorry to hear this @SB2015 and hope you’re feeling better soon.

Things just side swipe us sometimes out of nowhere & knock the stuffing out of us.

Sending get well vibes and I hope things settle down for you xx
Thanks Flower. Just slightly nervous, since there was no warning.
I suspect that will settle once I know more.
Thanks @freesia. I feel fine today after many hours sleep, just the shock as it came out of nowhere.
As you say it comes out of nowhere, my OH was driving me back from having had a tooth extracted and said he thought the car was behaving oddly. He then just collapsed and couldn't move one arm and his speech was slurred; the ambulance only took 5 mins to arrive. Thank goodness. I was totally freaked.
Please do take it easy.
I’m so sorry to hear that @SB2015 I hope you’re ok and aren’t feeling too unwell.

Sending you a massive hug {{{hugs}}} Look after yourself xxx

I’d also add not to blame yourself. Sometimes things just happen, and they’re nothing to do with failings on our part. Health is a delicate balance and outside things can nudge it the wrong way sometimes. There’s a lot of chance involved.

Thanks Inka. It is easy to get into thinking that I need to manage things better. Now I use the closed loop I know that my levels have been better than ever with less effort. I think that that will help me to avoid the micromanaging as that is now done by Hermione (my pump) so I just need to let her get on with it.
This could have happened without Diabetes but as it is listed as one of the possible complications it is easy to attach it to that.
Oh, Sue, how scary for you! I’m glad to hear you’re feeling positive and ready to get on with life as usual. (((Hugs)))
Oh, Sue, how scary for you! I’m glad to hear you’re feeling positive and ready to get on with life as usual. (((Hugs)))
I think it helps that I have a few things coming up, and it made me make decisions about whether to go ahead with them. Decided Yes. I certainly don’t want to start limiting what I do if I can avoid it.
Sorry to hear about your TIA @SB2015

Glad to hear you were well looked after. Good to hear you are trying to take it in your stride too, and not let it limit you or put a cloud over everything.
Oh Sue, so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, these things happen whatever we do in life. A bit like diabetes, we’ve done nothing “ wrong” and trying to analyse it all doesn’t help, I know this from Mr Eggy and his numerous heart attacks. Relax, make sure Jeremy looks after you, which I know he will, and be thankful to our wonderful NHS for sorting you out. Love and best wishes to you. X
@SB2015 - I know if we are higher risk for x, y or z, and it happens it is easy to link then events/issues, but that's not always the true story.

Not everything relates to diabetes or anything else for that matter. Blame, and particularly self-blame helps nothing and achieves nothing, except for stress which I'm guessing you'll be looking to avoid.

Sounds like an horrendously scary situation, but I hope you can take some time to rest and recover and get back to your old self soon.
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