Borderline Diabetic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My neighbour tells me that she is borderline diabetic. I thought there was no such thing and that you were diabetic or not.
there is no such thing as a borderline diabetic. you either are or you aren't
A lot of people use the term 'pre-diabetic' meaning they have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG), so perhaps this is what is meant. They don't yet meet the criteria for a diagnosis of diabetes as their levels aren't quite high enough on the tests. Borderline diabetic is probably just another way of saying this.
Another possibility is diet and exercise controlled. I know a few people who think unless you have to take pills or injections you are just borderline. Can't see where they get it from myself.
Maybe she has been told if she carries on eating how she is she will become a diabetic.Who knows but agree with Sam theres no in between with diabetes you either are diabetic are you aint.
The doctor told my mother she was borderline diabetic two months ago. She was told to 'be careful' with what she eats and cut down on sugar :( I wasn't really happy with this, but she is 80 and wont listen to me about this :(
When I was diagnosed type 2 I was told that I was 'slightly' diabetic... I reckon it's a term doctors use to indicate that bg's are not dangerously high but changes are needed to avoid possible complications?.... It is misleading though - as others have said, you either is or you ain't!

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I think it will be used when the tests show you to be about to enter the out of normal range area but haven't quite got there yet.
Diabetes Sucks!

Every year when I used to live in the UK I used to ask my GP CHECK MY SUGAR LEVELS, since there is a history of this disease in my familly, and they always said that I was fine. I then , got a job in Brazil, and when I had my yearly check up there I was told that I had fully blown diabetes ! I was and still am DEVASTATED ! I feel that the NHS failed completely !! How MANY MORE PEOPLE OUT THERE HAVE THIS CONDITION AND DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT ???
In all my researches I have read that NOBODY becomes diabetic overnight.
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