booked a blood test

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Finally bitten the bullet and booked a blood test for next monday - got to make an appointment to see the nurse after that - probably for a week or two later :D good to go and get it sorted 🙂

i'm now trying to find any information regarding "downstairs" skin problems and diabetes! i dont really want to go to the doctors about it as its a embarrassing. but anyone got any links i'd appreciate it :D btw not thrush 🙂
fine thanks :D nail came of and healing well :D
Hi Simon, good to hear from you again 🙂 I hope the blood test goes OK - how have your fingerprick levels been lately? I'm glad that you've decided to start to get to grips with things. Hard to advise about the skin problems, especially if you're convinced it's not thrush, except to say that diabetes does encourage infections and dryness and they can hang around for ages if levels are high. If you don't want to go to the doctor's perhaps you could go to the pharmacist and describe the symptoms? Personally, I'd just get it over with and see the doctor!
Hi Simon

Good you are now getting things sorted.
Any closer to that run yet?.....
Northerner - morning - sorry i didnt reply last night - i fell asleep watching telly 🙂 always odd to fall asleep watching one program and wake up in the middle of another:D Yep been doing my finger pricks everyday - 15.5 today - which is about normal for me. as for the skin problems - well i dont think its thrush as that more sort of itchy and dry - this is more like ulcers. sorry dont want to go into to much graphic detail :D if it doesnt clear up i'll go see the doctor

lucy123 - no running yet - i'd love to do it but there doesnt seem enough hours in the day. must do it 🙂

Steffie - thank you, i'm sure it will be fine (well i hope)
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